Got evidence

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  • #48787
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    Current Username: usernme
    Username when banned: username
    UUID: UUID (You can get it from
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Staff Name/Automated Console

    Unban Appeal

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    I got evidence Zeltrax1013 took a couple of hours ago of his see through ground lag his computer has, he’s been banned for over a month and I just want this to be over with so we can play together on this server again, thanks for your time


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    What’s this?

    Do not horse

    Crazy Pirate
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    My god, this is probably the stupidest thing I’ve seen yet!

    So your friend was banned for X-ray, I’m assuming?  And you’re claiming it was ‘ground lag’, which is probably when you can see ores and stuff when chunks are still loading in. But, you’ve tried to replicate that by shoving some ores in the ground, and pretending you can see them because of lag?

    I mean, the fact that first image is trying to replicate a missing chunk, actually kills me.

    10/10 for effort.

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    Fair. I wasn’t sure what type of lag he had (Mistake on my behalf for saying something that I thought might explain it a bit idk) and also I am not the one who took these,

    they where msgd to me. I probably shouldn’t have made this post and left it to him to sort out as he knows more then me about this.


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    Nope. Appeal denied. Maybe… Just maybe… If Zeltrax appealed with proper evidence (this is really not proper evidence), I may consider appealing. But probably not.


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