How to add a forum signature.

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  • #2077
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    I thought I would update this Signature post with how to add a signature to your forum posts on piratecraft.

    When you are signed in to the website, Just hover over your User Icon in the Banner and click Edit my profile.

    BBCode is enabled for Signatures for formatting, please referance the BBCode website and the attached images.

    I found a way to activate the wysiwyg editor for forum posts & threads for easy formatting, you can always switch back to text if you are copy/pasting information.
    Tip: For starting a new line, not a paragraph use shift+enter.

    I also enabled setting a signature for forum posts, they allow bbcode for formatting.
    Change this by going to the “My Account > Edit my Profile ” Click the edit my profile from the top right dropdown menu when you are signed in.

    You could use your signature to advertise in-game happenings, advertise your group or requests, they are displayed under each forum post.

    I also added a date of birth profile field that’s now collected on registration, No idea why it lets you select dates that are yet to be!

    Edit: I added a few more profile fields and custom piratecraft fields for Top Skills and Crew status.
    What else could we add for profile field information?

    Edit Edit: Added Donations forum for donator discussion for pre-donators and donators

    Edit Edit Edit: I found a new plugin to edit signatures as the other one was creating problems with “This post was modified” showing twice.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Need a crew to live with? I have a spare house!

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    Displays the damn “This topic was modified” twice, Ill have to dig into the code see if I can fix that.

    I changed the plugin that manages signatures, so you’ll have to re-set yours crazy, its just under “Edit my profile” now, the only problem I can see with this one is that it dousnt convert smilies 🙁

    I also added the ability to use BBCode in all forums now, which includes embedding youtube with [ youtube ]{id}[ /youtube ]
    vimeo [ vimeo ]{id}[ /vimeo ]
    Google search url [ google ]{search} [/google ]

    And all the common ones from phpBB 3.0 like aligning text, font size and color, images, quotes, blockquotes, lists, borders,
    (No extra spaces, I used them to show what the bbcode is)


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    Gods haven’t seen you for 2 days now! I have been waiting to tell you about this plugin that enables more potions! I know you’ve been searching for one! You can make a Nausea potion by combining a poison potion and a fermented spider eye!

    Mark tested it in his singleplayer world with plugins (own private server) and it works.

    Drinks all around!!!

    ~ Captain Viper

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    Sounds good to me, I wanted to test out “More bows” too, they look much more fun ;p

    Although what an odd place to post this, can you move your request to the “Support tickets” forum with [request] in the title please.

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    Updated the first page of this post with a How-To create a forum signature.

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