Formal Farewell For Unknown Time

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  • #26578
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    Hello everyone, I’m here to put my official good bye to the server for a few months and reason why I will not be using TS, Skype, Global or Private chat, or Mail on here. Well for those that don’t know, I am going to basic training this month which will last for eight and a half weeks. This will take three months to complete. Then, I have to get to a base for tech school. This will take also some more time because I will need to come back for my stuff and my laptop which will not be with me. Those wondering what my job will be look up AirBorne Mission Systems. I will also after tech be doing a lot of other training as well. And after all that being airborne I will be required to fly all over in a plane for long time spans. So, I will not be on as much and usually will be tired out of my mind.

    Now as for why I wont be using any communication with yall, I have a lot to deal with and its taking its toll now on me since this is my last 7 days before I leave. A lot of stress from every corner is hitting me right now and worrying about talking on piratecraft to players from Skype, TS, and etc is not something I need at this time. I will yes answer questions but only if they are private messages to me in game or over the website. I will not be going on TS at all nor the skype group. Trust me I like talking to most of the players here but I just have way way too much on my mind.

    As for now till I leave I may not be on piratecraft the rest of these 7 days I have left before I go. Today will probably be the most I am on. If not then I’m just mining, only thing I can do that wont require a lot of attention and its not a lengthy project. I may be on this Saturday and Sunday abit longer but I wouldn’t count on it. Just stressed out and my mood isn’t cheery, minus the morbid amount of stuff I say, and I rather not grim up any chat. I do ask for players to please for the love of god glitch raid my base or my other claims. If yall see any one trying please kill on sight, if yall see towers or what ever outside my claims please dispose of them. I would very grateful to those who do this, considering I really don’t want to come back on and see either my base looks like a box of mix match blocks or see my stuff is gone. Well that’s all I have to say and I hope to see everyone in about 4-5 monthes after these 7 days.


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    Well good bye and good luck! We hope to see you back very soon.

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.

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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>My cousin is just finishing up basic. He is also training to be in the Air Force and wants to do something with loading and unloading supplies or something. Good luck and thank you for your service. I hope you figure everything out that’s stressing you and enjoy the new experiences to come. Stay safe bud :)</p>

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    Bye Lucky. I feel ya mine was a mix  match blocks but xD no sweat. just dont trust anyone to your vault lol. </3 will miss u bud

    Smokey River
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    You will be missed greatly by many. Please keep in touch if possible. I hope basic and school goes well.  Just focus on you and nothing else that’s what matters. Hang in there and prevail.




    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    Goodbye Lucky. We already miss you, and cant wait for you to be back <3

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    I wish you success on your journey, young man. I’ll have piping hot cookies ready for you upon your return. -pinches cheeks- Make me proud.

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

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    It’s been great having you on the server, Lucky! Do drop by if you have the chance. 😀

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    We will miss you… Don’t leave ?

    Founder of the Coalition

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    good luck with the training! dont forget about us 🙂


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    We will miss you lucky,
    You were a good player and we hope to see you in a few months.
    Good luck!

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    Good luck beasting your way through life, and if you ever quit forever give me your stuff. Wait no, sorry! I WILL MISS YOU AND I WILL PRAY ON EVERY PLANE YOU GO ON!



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    Thank you everyone, from wishing for me to be safe and those praying for me. I will try not to be a stranger once I’m out of basic. However being active duty and on an airborne group, requires me to be apart of a crew that’ll be all over the place. As for y’all I hope yall stay safe in this ever growing chaotic world we call home. Also when I get back anyone who leaves me recipes for brews I my mail, I will also reward players for that. To add, exclude the no speaky and not being on as much. Got the issues resolved and have a lot off my shoulder thank god.


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    Be safe, Lucky!! You will be missed!! <3

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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