FNA LoN Commons gone dark

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    FNA LoN Comms have gone dark


    Recently, after a structure for honorable warfare was suggested (which @InventorJohn did first, btw) the FNA LoN commons have gone dark, my anonymous admin-level source gives me the scoop on what he has heard on this topic.

    Everyone I’ve talked to has said “they probably just got bored” but that could not be right, could it? My source says otherwise, according to my anonymouse source, our server overlords wish to insite violence between these two groups, hoping to cause a war to weaken all nations involved. Evidence towards this include the EE VRE scare earlier last month, according to VRE and EE, plans to invade VRE were planned, were scrapped, yet the “green scare” as sources call it, has seemingly cropped up, sources also confirm due to the risk of the situation, the FNA has made plans for a Cross-country military transport tunnel. Due to this information the following countries are at DEFCON III: NRR, VRE, EA

    Thats not all my sources have told me, however. My very special anonymous source has given me the final piece to the puzzle: why the admin elite would want to do this. According to extensive research, head admin and server owner GodsDead has a small nation proclaimed Novapangaea (Latin word “novus” meaning new, and, however misspelled, Pangea, the original super-massive continent that was the origin of the 7 continents) and has claimed that one day he wishes for this place to rise again. My source explains to me that this is the purpose of weakening the FNA and LoN, they want to destroy all competition to ensure the steady rise of the elite, god-like nation of admins named Novapangaea, much like the book Red Rising, this elite group of God-Like warriors would slowly invade the weakened neighboring nations, until eventually the server would be drove back to what it was like at the begining of the server’s infancy: Chaos. But thats just a theory.

    ~Chasedillon123, the M-files

    Daily dose of Latin: Panem et circenses,

    Bread and Circuses

    NOTE: shortly after writing this, the commons once again became active, howevr my source tells me the elite was monitoring me while I wrote this, and wanted to alieve suspicion, please still watch where you tread.

    Special thanks to Kinda-sorta-editor Koi0001 (informed me of my grammar and spelling mistakes)

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Nobody needed to know this….

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    Your theory is way off.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    @InventorJohn its my submission for the piratecraft news contest, my schtick is conspiracy THEORIES (aka this is just to sensationalize events some may think are boring)

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    @InventorJohn john, you’re ruining the suspension of disbeliefe *sigh* can’t believe I gotta spell this out, its meant to be horse s***, Its a way of sensationalizing otherwise boring news, how boring would it be if I just put “The direct comms have gotten kinda lazy and dry”?

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Oh, but why you have to give out mah military project plans?!!!!

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    @InventorJohn I believed that was public news, my appologies

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    The Queen
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    The Elven Government NEVER planned an invasion.

    1. Takes time to plan

    2.We would not invade a inactive 2 man country

    3.We would never send out our troops for fight some foreign nation, we were meant to be allied to.

    Thus said, if we planned an invasion the entire server would have seen the plan go into effect by now and total war on both sides.

    Since the VRE has done no real harm to us we have no motive to send out armed militant personal to the VRE.

    Now if the FNA plans an attack on our land or reports of suspicious movement we will be on high alert, I just ask not to bring our name into FALSE situations.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    You had plans to set up settlements in the region, we are around 16 members right now and…read Chase’s follow up post, it’s meant to be false but interesting.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    The Queen
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    Settle and Invasion are polar oposites! If you can tell me how they are similar please do tell me!

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    just fyi- news = true stories, drama = speculations that cause arguements.



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    Well I know the Novapangaea part of the report was all solid crap.

    First of all, GodsDead wouldn’t want to plunge the server back into some sort of ‘dark times’; he has a buzzing community, full of happy players & very little actual hate circulating the server as of late.

    Second, GodsDead; his ‘super intention’ as you seem to put it, is false. ONE, he loves the BE, in the way that Donald Trump may love his daughter (SORRY GODS I DIDN’T MEAN TO OFFEND YOU! I KNOW YOU PROBABLY DON’T WANT TO HAVE COITUS WITH THE BE, I MEAN, THAT WOULD BE INCREDIBLY WRONG! p.s. sorry, I have the worst sense of humour…) & many other crews & players, & so he would NOT want to destroy these.

    Thirdly, GodsDead is FAR to busy as he always puts it, yeah that may be a ‘cover’ that may be concluded from that, but I really doubt it.


    Meh. I’ve either identified or unidentified reasons for conspiracies, not to mention, I will get weird looks now from Gods…

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    Bravo @Chasedillon123 ! You had me in stitches throughout the entire post! :p
    And John and Rep freaking out were just little timbits at the end too! *applause*

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    Some people just don’t know how to take something like this Chase.

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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