EnderSold Unban Appeal

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  • #82498
    Zoomer Zomi
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    Current Username: Zomy_
    Username when banned: EnderSold
    UUID: 2f827d6b-c38f-4770-8ee8-f53edb17214a
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=Morhh&server=0
    Banned By: WaterPool

    Unban Appeal

    I have been banned from this server for almost 3 years now. It has been a very long time since I’ve even seen this server. I would like to start my appeal by apologising to anyone that I have hurt or to anyone that had their experience on the server ruined by me. I greatly apologise and ask for forgiveness as I have learnt from my mistakes in those, almost, 3 years. I assure you I have changed, for the better.

    Through my 3 years without the server I have joined many new communities, mostly PvP communities, I have met many people and, to be honest, this ban wasn’t too bad for me for I have met more great people than I have on PMC. However, I still would want to get forgiven for my actions, which were, me continuously breaking rules and trolling. I got many mutes/warnings then, however, it still wasn’t enough for me and therefore I had been banned. Now, I am much more mature, I have become a greater person that actually would like to enjoy a server rather than troll on it.

    Throughout the years I have not thought much of the server , but, at times (mostly quite recently) I have been thinking of this server. I thought about how this was my first survival server and how I could actually enjoy it rather than get myself banned, for stupid reasons. I have looked at the server players and it doesn’t seem to be that much meaning I can easily get to know and become friends with new people as I have gotten more online social knowledge and had much experience in how to fit in with a group of people.

    I admit it, my actions were very bad, not only for other players but also the staff. However, I must assure you that I have changed for the better and I am no longer the fool I was back then.

    Finally, if you do choose to deny my appeal for whatever reason I would love to hear the reason as to why it was denied and I also will not bother you with another appeal, for quite a while for I just want to get back and see how things have changed and if the server is improving.

    Thank you for reading my appeal and have a great day!

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    I have had some interactions with Endersold as I am the reason he has been banned for his sword name (Olpx is #####)I highly commend him for changing for the better as a person completely different person he is much better human and has changed for the better unban him!

    Former leader of scamming sailors and raiding them
    Has experience in running from the cops
    Has raided lots of chungeses per-

    Former leader of Rome|
    Former advisor and leader of copt|
    Founder and Ceo of being better then you|

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    hello what is your curent ingame name??

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    you have been unbanned welcome back!! read the rules to refresh you mind and have some fun

    Zoomer Zomi
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    can i get unlockered too or do i have to dig sand

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