Dynamic Statistic Banners

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    Hey guys!  So a lot of people on this server don’t know me, and that’s because those who do know that I haven’t been on in a few months.  I’m probably not going to be back on regularly, but before I left, I was working on a project for you people of the forums.  Keep in mind that what you are about to see is fresh out of development, and may be buggy or otherwise broken.  If you do spot a bug, or the service breaks for some reason, please report it to me.  Currently the best way of doing this is on the forums, but I’ll try to set up a better system soon.  Anyway, on to the fun part, even though I’m sure you’ve already read the title.

    What is this?  It’s a dynamically generated forum signature, based off the statistics over on stats.piratemc.com.  This means that any changes in-game will appear here shortly.  Before you get your hopes up, know that there are a few limitations at the moment, the most prominent of which is the lack of backgrounds (It’s really only this one).  I might add more in the future, if there is demand, but I’m lacking suitable images.  If you have any, feel free to post them on this thread.  There’s also only a few statistics available at the moment, which may also be changed in the future.  If you are interested in getting your own banner, head to tsa6.us.to/pcbanners to make one.  I’d be glad to hear any feedback you might have.

    Edited for grammar

    Edit 2:  Update!  To add a bit more variety and customizability, I added the ability to change the banner background image, as well as colors.  (This probably should have been in the first version, but now I get to pass it off as a cool new update.  Maybe I should charge for it as dlc.)  There were also a few changes to caching both client side and server side, but that’s not interesting.  If you want to use the old generator, it is still available at here.

    There were also a couple of people who had trouble adding the banner to your forum signature.  After clicking “Generate,” copy the url of the page you are redirected to.  Then, back on piratemc.com, navigate to your profile.  Click edit, then type [i]img[/i]<url>[/img], with <url> replaced with the url you copied earlier.

    Image used: http://i.imgur.com/XwpKqOo.png, modified from the mainpage slideshow

    Edit 3: I seem to have forgotten to mention that the default image is also from the main page slide show.

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    Woot woot!


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    awesome, I would just like to have like my flag as a background, but the words may be not visible then as its black :), if the letters will show up in another color then I’ll see if I can use it, if not, then ok, oh, and yeah, I remember you, and welcome back! Thanks for everything.

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    you are awesome

    ~Privateer for the 13c

    Crazy Pirate
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    Crazy Pirate
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    ill figure it out soon





    We may get knocked down but does that we mean we can all sit down cry about It.? NO that means it’s time to get your ass off the pity potty and go do something. You are only limited but what you believe.

    Blu Pearson
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    This is really cool thanks brother!

    Use  [ ] – img – inside the brackets-  your url for the banner and then close using [/ in front of the img] in your signature box under – profile – edit – base

    or just google bbc codes if that confusing. It wouldn’t let me do the proper way as it was trying to insert the banner. 🙂


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    haha this is brilliant work! This was actually part of stats I was going to make but never got around to making!

    Are you using php gd to generate the dynamic image? Im going to be remaking the stats at a much later point in time, the speed is terrible im surprised you can parse that quickly, you must have cached the data!

    • Topics: 39
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    Love it ! Those stats are awesome !!!



    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


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    This is fun to play with. 🙂

    • Topics: 2
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    haha this is brilliant work! This was actually part of stats I was going to make but never got around to making!

    Are you using php gd to generate the dynamic image? Im going to be remaking the stats at a much later point in time, the speed is terrible im surprised you can parse that quickly, you must have cached the data!

    Thanks! I’m actually using java servlets to generate the images.  I don’t know enough about php to do something like this with it, though I suppose I ought to learn.  I am also using a very simple caching system, which speeds up the generation time a little.  It’s not exactly light-speed, but it works, and that’s enough for me.  If you want, you can look at the source code here, but it’s a bit messy.

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