Duplication pvp log glitch

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    My computer is a toaster and I lag spike and crash a lot on minecraft (at some points I can’t even open Chrome…) and I was in pvp when I crashed this one time.  If you pvp log you never lose any of your stuff but instead, the person who you are engaged in pvp with gets a duplication of your inventory.  I think this could definitely be abused (I wonder if uni got all his pretty diamond blocks possibly from this >.>) but mainly I just want to ask is this the way it was meant to be? Or is it a glitch that needs to be fixed so people don’t abuse it….

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    This is definitally a glitch.

    Ive always have it that if you leave the server in a PVP battle, you loose your inventory and the player that last attacked you gets it.

    How exactly are people doing this? This has been brought up before, But I found no solution since this is handed by griefprevention and Im still waiting for developers to update everything.

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    Idk… say u have a ton of good stuff and then u hit someone and then disconnect

    the other guy would get a duplication of your inventory of good stuff


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    I always thought it would delete your inventory which was why i was happy when a guy pvp logged and i thought he lost all his stuff but nope

    he later came back on with his same inventory and proceeded to kill me >_<

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    hm… is there a way to disable the inventory duplication? Or just disable pvp logging all together?


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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