Do you have nice screenshots of your ships? Post them here for the ship guide!

Home Forums PirateCraft Website Do you have nice screenshots of your ships? Post them here for the ship guide!

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  • #62900
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    I recently remade the ships guide part of this re-build was adding in a custom gallery that allows me to use uploaded images to the forums in the galleries! Which means you can submit your awesome ship screenshots to any forum thread (With the right filename) and I/Max/Elo can add them.

    Here are the rules to uploading with the correct filename on the page.

    Moving Ships

    Heres a copy of the text on the page:

    How do I get my ship featuerd in the ship galleries?

    It’s as simple as naming the file correctly and uploading it to the Media Forums! Don’t use an external host like imgur, use the build in uploader, under Attachments click Browse to upload the image from your computer.

    Each ship image needs to have its filename include the ship type, if you do not include this it will not be added.

    1. Ship image filename: Shiptype_Builder_Shipname_ID for example: Manowar_zRomichWR_Tulipan_01.jpeg
    2. Reply to this thread OR Create a new thread & Upload to Media Forums 
    3. Tag Media staff member in the forum post or DM them on discord with the forum link and filename to request your image be added to the gallery.
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