Discord Unban

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  • #81582
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    Current Username: fleverse#1802
    Username when banned: youtube#2536
    UUID: 9b260c16df2b493387b8523da4457fc3
    Your punishment tracker link: https://piratemc.com/pirate/Plksu/
    Banned By: Staff

    Hi there its been a few weeks since Ive been banned from the pmc discord. I am ashamed to admit that this is my second discord ban I’m apealing for. I was banned shortly after posting a meme targetted at being rude towards the server admins, which at the time I thought was funny and a okay thing to do. I want to apologize to all parties affected by my actions as I realize that was the last thing you guys needed after the stressful hours of the disrespect you guys have been receiving. I wish to join the discord again, but I understand if you guys do not want me back. Thank you for reading and I’m sorry.


    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    how many dc accounts do you have did you post the rignt one?

    please post the right one so we can look it up


    Shivendra (ContDJ)
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    His banned account is now deleted from discord, the banned list may show usernames similar to ‘Deleted User’ so that might help.

    Former Capal & Architect of ROME
    Former member of PAPAL
    Current Citizen of The British Empire

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