Despair For BE!

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    I’ve sat back for a while and watched the magic happen, but it gets boring after a while. Simply slaughtering people is boooring, so how about we change things up a bit, hmm?


    Things are gonna be a bit different this time. I made a realization last week, that being I’m not getting younger. I went and bought a boat to get more excitement in my life, but my wife locked me out of my house because I was having a ‘midlife crisis’ and I was wasting money. The nerve of that woman!    Until she gets over her problem, I’ve decided that Daddy Monokuma needs a vacation! Reliving my lifestyle in the 1980’s is amazing, but my problem is… That bitch has my wallet! I need money to go on tour with my favorite band!


    But never fear, I know how to end this dilemma! You’re gonna pay ME so I can get buzzed to my favorite songs!


    So, for the annoying redcoats with sticks jammed so far up the dark side of their moon, I have a proposal! If a hefty deposit is made to a location disclosed via PM, nobody has to suffer! It doesn’t matter if you have a washed out action star protecting you, or even a gorilla with a couch kink, I’ll still getcha one way or another! So if you don’t wanna suffer, ya better start the crowdfunding before my tickets are sold out!

    The onslaught shall begin if my demands aren’t met in 24 hours!

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    Image result for nerd meme

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    Puhuhuhu, we have a volunteer! I knew he was an airhead, but not like this!

    Despite that, it’s been 24 hours and I haven’t been paid! It’s punishment time!

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    Whose mans is this

    ~ xMadMonkey ~

    «Godfather of La Famiglia»

    ~ Mememaster since 1969 ~

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