Decleration of War Against USE

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    Ever since the self proclaimed “United States Empire” was formed, it has been a pain in the side of the Thirteen Colonies. Not only is the name a mockery of our own, when confronted diplomatically the so called “leaders” of the crew have acted in a childish and unreasonable manner. Quoting Galaxy219 he calls himself “unreasonable”. Well, if he won’t listen to reason, then maybe he will listen to cannon fire. The USE have been beaten once and they will be beaten again. They had quarreled within their own ranks to the point of dispersion of the crew. After their reformation after some months time, they again continued their antics after they were, yet again, confronted diplomatically. I was faced with even less maturity than the last instance in the face of a growing conflict. Valid points were made by me in the USE embassy and the “leaders” were left speechless. They did not comment or comprise despite negotiation efforts. The one thing said by a coerced crew member was later revoked with an apology in pm. After attempting to yet again talk peace in in game private chat, I was faced with abhorrent behavior by one member trying to con me and sully my reputation as well as told by the crew leader he was “unreasonable” and their would be no compromise. This was the last straw, so war is being declared. Sorry to those of the USE who did not wish to enter one, but you have only your leaders to blame.

    Convo with both”leaders” Sburger calling me a racist because I told him he wasn’t a leader and Galaxy calling himself unreasonable.

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    As I said before, See you on the battlefield ;D

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    P.S. Nice try trying to scam me Sburger. If you think your a leader, then do /crew info USE and you’ll see your not. For good reason too I suppose.

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    i swear that crew gets into a war of some form every 20 minutes. they either declare it themselves because of stupid crap, or have it declared on them, then cry about it, try to talk it out and end it 5 minutes later.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    Bring it on M8!

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    Wait, USE is still a thing? Didn’t we kill them off months ago?

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    I just want to say half a year ago we said we would not give up our name our crew is more active than your crew and has more members. You can stay 13 colonies and We will stay USE if you want us to change our name it will be 50k and 2 god sets per person, we are passed reasonable. We said no and we will continue to say no no matter what happens so its that rediculous price or war! Bring it on scalleywag

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    More active? Your crew was no existent for months. Literally. And then you wanna talk members? Also, you want to talk? I heard nothing in the embassy before I declared war, and was told that you were “unreasonable” so now it’s game on. Time to smack you out of existence for a second time.

    The Queen
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    Not taking sides here but in a historical standpoint,

    The United States Empire, is not accurate. The 13co comes first and has the right to evolve itself overtime. If you liked that idea you could of joined them.


    Not saying the EE is historically accurate at all! Which is it not.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Do you realise how mad your getting over are name? I created this name when I created this crew, and I’m not going to change it because some says they have the “rights” to the name. Now you want to go to war over .  Also we left USE to see how other crews ran and get some more experience as leaders. And Nicky you did not destroy or take down are crew. It was more CoV, you never did anything. So see you on the battle field:). (Or is it just going to be BE)

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    More active? Your crew was no existent for months. Literally. And then you wanna talk members? Also, you want to talk? I heard nothing in the embassy before I declared war, and was told that you were “unreasonable” so now it’s game on. Time to smack you out of existence for a second time.

    First off, USE has been around since December 2015 and has never been disbanded, so we were never non-existent. Second, I never see anyone on from your crew on except for you and Jimmykewlguy2, while USE has about 5-6 active members. Lastly, when did you knock us out of existence? We were never officially defeated and we have existed for about six months now, and even though some of us have been in different crews (EE, Fade, Enigma), we have remained active and have decided now is the time for us to reunite.

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    I would stand up for the USE but then again they betrayed my crew therefore I hate them.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

    The Queen
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    Im not taking sides in this but just so you know these are actual countrys with similar names lol

    There is a Tongo and a Tonga

    There is a Gambia and Zambia

    There is Austria and Austrailia

    Niger and Nigeria

    Iran and Iraq


    The point is there are nations that will have similar names. Yet you both are the same nations your both Americans so why not make terms and try to unite together?


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Gotta respect the integrity. And one would have thought BE was focusing their time and resources on another more pressing and important cause.

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

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    Nicky also want to say why do you waste your time with us, We don’t care that you have a similar name but are you really going to waste your resources because heres the thing, We will never change the name USE is here to stay. I want to challenge you to not use BE or and allies just your crew of 6 people I would love to see how that works. If you promise to fight USE vs 13co I promise a fair fight. But your crew is so small and insignificant and can barely call its most active member active. You trash talk us yet I’ve never seen you near our base. And do you thing you could win if it was just your crew, I’d like to see that. For the last half year we have told you we will not change our name. No means No unless you are challenged(No offense if you are). Can you just put up with the fact that we can share origin countries. This is a one time deal I promise that if you sign a pact that says you stop demanding name changes I will oversee it and make sure we never talk again(I know I don’t want to). Also for everyone bringing history into the picture Nicky is a traitor to America! He would be considered a loyalist during the revolutionary war for joining Britain(this is not an attack on the BE) you have said that you are the 13 colonies not the united states! Get your history right. Also one note to BE don’t waste your time helping nicky in this war he is dishonest and it will not benefit your crew.
    Send me a message if interested in the treaty

    The Queen
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    *Waits for a salty response*

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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