Declaration of food fight against the leafy greens movement

Home Forums Crew Group Discussion The Ricey Ricefields Movement Declaration of food fight against the leafy greens movement

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    for too long I have stared from the abyss, watching the leafy greens movement gain popularity, dissing us rice fans as scum, now we fight back, I officially declare a food fight upon the leafy greens movement with god(sdead) as my witness, the leafy greens movement shall fall under the shadow of the ricey ricefields movement,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Hail Rice! Asterity says I’m not allowed to Hail Hydra… :(. But I can hail to rice, because rice is what most of us look upon for a delicious meal!

    Founder of the Coalition

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