davidj123456 Unban Appeal

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  • #57963
    davidj123456 pmc
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    My other forums account is bugged. Whenever I access some sub-forums it says “error 404”, whereas others work. I created this one to appeal. I can not tell if the other one has been banned, because I can’t see ‘banned’ anywhere, I can still send certain types of messages, I can seemingly reply to posts, I can access some posts, and I can access some sub-forums. If it is banned or muted then I did not know and I guess I will try to appeal that ban/mute or wait it out before expecting any replies to this. This is not a wall of drama text. It is an actual appeal. The word “I apologize” may have been used excessively but I am truly sorry, so I just want to emphasize this.

    I attached a word document below. For some reason there was a weird bug when I tried to copy and paste from that document, so I hope this will suffice.


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    davidj123456 pmc
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    Okay look, it has been a month since my appeal. The above does count as ‘butthurt and complaining’, so I’ll make this short and quick. It’s been two and a half years, yet I’m still here. I made a big mistake, I pissed everyone off, I’m sorry. I’ve changed and I don’t break rules anymore. I just want to be part of the community again and be positive instead of negative. I’ve has time to look over my actions and learn from my mistakes. I hope I can be forgiven and and least get a reply.



    davidj123456 pmc
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    Alternatively, could I maybe get a 6 month ban instead? Before the punishment for hacking was permanent, and now it is 6 months. If I can be forgiven, can we say that the two and a half year ban was for being majorly disruptive to the community, and now you can give me an extra 6 month ban as if I got banned for cheating today. I mean I’m hoestly really sorry for what I did…

    Sorry for double post. I can’t seem to edit the post above?

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    Denied as per staff decision.

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