dagersh bullying

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  • This topic has 23 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I understand that I need more proof, and I’ll try to collect screenshots from the live map and take them when he raids us (given it continues). The raiding is so frequent that we cannot rebuild between raids. We totally understand that this is a pirate/raiding server though. It’s just not fun when we are constantly attacked by someone who goes out of their way to attack us, simply because he can. Again, thanks for the help!

    Rebuild? Try siege proof stuffs.

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    I was on at the times of him being killed .

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    elex coul you stop it with the negative comments…


    Dr. Solid, you really shouldn’t be talking boy. Every single one of my posts I swear u comment negativily.


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    Ok. so to me even if these guys are being harassed i see no problem in it because of the last 3 names of their crews. I am an american soldier and the last 3 names of their crews have been the 3rd riech, Al-queada, and ISIS. If they weren’t so far off I’d kill them regularly myself just for this alone. Now if they would like some logs checked. how about i go through mine where they were trying to use what they thought was my real name to find my Facebook and harass me outside of the game. Hmm sounds like the actions of “Innocent” noobs to me.

    Raise your glasses, raise them high. Draw your swords, stand or die!

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    I swear those called ISIS & Alqueada should be banned or removed.

    They are offensive to those who may of lost people or have been affected by those.

    Same with the reich one.

    If it was the fourth reich, I would have no problem.

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    dork i’ve  said it before that me saying too elex to not be so negative is ironic too me being negative ABOUT EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO! but thats just me with you everyone has that person the dont like i bet you have one. i bet godsy has one i bet i have one.but his jut being an ass too everyone thats not his best buds,  when people try to be funny or when people try to report something he shows up and ruins it…..his what i like too call a “dush bag”. oh yea if you are wondering i’m agaisnt that comment you just made 😛


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    I will mention that these guys apparently had blocks above their chests, stone brick, so the fact that dag could steal from them means something is up. I don’t have proof, but I did help macro26 in the latest construction of his by providing about 5-10 smooth stone stacks and macro talked about problems they had been having. I will admit to taking part in the first skirmish at dpex’s base, but I did try and help them after that with their construction of a new base.

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    dork i’ve said it before that me saying too elex to not be so negative is ironic too me being negative ABOUT EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO! but thats just me with you everyone has that person the dont like i bet you have one. i bet godsy has one i bet i have one.but his jut being an ass too everyone thats not his best buds, when people try to be funny or when people try to report something he shows up and ruins it…..his what i like too call a “dush bag”. oh yea if you are wondering i’m agaisnt that comment you just made ?


    Wow, reading that was like I was a child again trying to read for the very first time. It was horrific. I really hope your knowledge of your native language is much better. But back to the main topic, yes? My problem is that people like this guy, don’t seem to understand that on a PVP server, there really shouldn’t have to be a reason behind someone killing and/or raiding you…it’s PVP. If someone wants to kill someone for fun and you don’t like it? Why not just leave to one of those dull PVE servers or figure out a way to deal with the player without sounding so whiny.

    Crazy Pirate
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    dork i’ve said it before that me saying too elex to not be so negative is ironic too me being negative ABOUT EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO! but thats just me with you everyone has that person the dont like i bet you have one. i bet godsy has one i bet i have one.but his jut being an ass too everyone thats not his best buds, when people try to be funny or when people try to report something he shows up and ruins it…..his what i like too call a “dush bag”. oh yea if you are wondering i’m agaisnt that comment you just made ?

    Wow, reading that was like I was a child again trying to read for the very first time. It was horrific. I really hope your knowledge of your native language is much better. But back to the main topic, yes? My problem is that people like this guy, don’t seem to understand that on a PVP server, there really shouldn’t have to be a reason behind someone killing and/or raiding you…it’s PVP. If someone wants to kill someone for fun and you don’t like it? Why not just leave to one of those dull PVE servers or figure out a way to deal with the player without sounding so whiny.


    It’s not his native language, don’t be a dick about it.

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    If you took a moment to read what I said properly, then you’d realize I already know that. Please do not respond to my comment if you’re not even going to actually properly read what I said.

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