dagersh bullying

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  • This topic has 23 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Since I joined the server about a month ago, one thing that has been consistent is that dagersh has tried repeatedly to kill me. He will not stop. I’ll try to explain the situation and then give whatever log proof I can:

    I usually play with 3 or 4 of my close friends, igns: macro26, trooper306, Spock1101, RebornSparta. Since we couldn’t claim things to start out, we lived underground for a while to hide on the live map. When we began to claim things and built a fort, dagersh found us and killed us all. This was the only time he siegedΒ us. Although we were sort of upset over losing our stuff (especially about a stack of diamonds equating to hours and hours of strip mining), we figured he had had his fun and was done (we thought about leaving the server at this point, we literally had nothing). Lo and behold he was back the next day. His excuse was that he was looking for more diamonds (like we would have them even). He killed us repeatedly.

    I’m going to say that he came back about 4 times within the week or two that we were constructing the fort. Every single time I was on after the first siege, he was on and attacking us. Trooper306 even constructed a perfectly dark room in our claimed area so that we could hide just from him on the live map. During one raid, I trapped him on a ladder and was able to hit his feet with my sword. His head was surrounded with cobblestone, giving him limited attack range while I struck him. He threatened to have me banned for a player trap. It’s funny because he got himself stuck in the hole and I just took the opportunity.

    Eventually we completely split up the group hoping that dagersh wouldn’t be able to kill us all at once. The other players went off and built a new hangar that dagersh wouldn’t be able to break into, and I went off and built a bunker about a thousand blocks away.

    Please keep in mind that by doing any of these things, we are acting specifically because we are afraid of dagersh. He will not leave us alone, and we are certain he sets homes near our bases. Even with use of the live map, which all of us have to have open in case he is coming for us again, we don’t even have a chance to see him before it is too late.

    When I left our fort to find a new location, I took a minecraft boat into the deep ocean to investigate possible locations. What I did not know was that dagersh had been following me the entire time. All of a sudden the boat had been shot out from under me with an arrow, and knowing what he would do next, I logged (I was not combat tagged, and I was carrying everything I owned). I watched the live map forΒ well over an hour,Β and he had not left. I watched the chat in the corner as he requested of a supermod toΒ leave a trap for me when I got back on. He also taunted my brother, macro26, who was on at the time that if I came on I would die.

    For the last two weeks I have had to live underground in complete darkness. Any light and I will be visible on the live map. When I finally claimed a bit and started building outside, dagersh killed me the very first opportunity we were on at the same time, within minutes. His excuse was that I built close to the market and he took a boat over. Based on the distance (and the fact that I had the map open the whole time and would have seen him coming) this is impossible. He most likely has a home set where I am building now. I include this information because this happened today.

    I am requesting action since he is ruining not only my experience on the server, but also macro’s, trooper’s, spock’s, and rebornsparta’s. I have also tried to get three other players to join: Chiroptera419, Lo_bit, Mythicaal, but upon hearing our difficulties with dagersh, they refuse. Dagersh is directly breaking the first rule, word for word. He has absolutely no reason to be attacking me personally, or any of us. One claim that he made to me today was that he wanted my gear, because of course, I had 3/4 non-enchanted diamond. I still haven’t recovered from all the other times he has raided me, so really this is complete bull. What I can say (with proof) is that he will not stop until he has my head. For what proof I can give you I took screenshots on the logs themselves so as not to edit them in any way. If you need to validate what I’ve provided, literally anyone on the server at the same time I was would have the same logs.

    Please, please help us.

    Thank you for your time.


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    Update after having rejoined the server:

    dagersh already has my head apparently. He got it “weeks ago,” meaning his current behavior is absolutely unwarranted.

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    I guess this my rebuttal argument.

    So from when I started played on this server i’ve raided and been raided as is expected on a pirate server. Now doing more of the raiding myself I tend to repeat raid people going through a cycle that gives enough time for people to recover. In dpex’s description which occured about a month ago; with also bringing no further proof of harassment besides the fact that I would not stop attacking until I got a head ( which is Β a reasonable goal) and just simply stating that “I attacked too much” does not seem as a reasonable enough reason for a bullying plea. The attacks on dpex’s crew were not for the sake of harassing players. I admit that I attacked their crew “reich” at times but not with malicious intent. I did not have and still have no reason to attack dpex and his friends for any other reason than gear . Even as he mentions that people would not join his crew for the sake of my “harassment” this was never mentioned until now and to my knowledge was never brought up with any moderators. Alot of this post involves claims from other server members with no substantiated proof. Did I behave with complete conduct when telling him that I would not stop for a head, no. Did I break the guidelines of polite speech, no. I can understand if my tone could have been seen as malignant but I don’t think a not perfectly polite tone counts as bullying. As for the point made that attacking for his diamond gear is “bull” I have stated numerous times on this server in public chat that I raid for heads and for diamond gear. I dont think for a second that I behaved with perfect conduct in messaging but do I have too? Dpex himself when I attempted to apologize for ruining Β a portion of his server experience inadvertently through my raiding he threatened me with a report that you know see above. In dpex’s defense I realize that I may have overstepped some boundaries and I am willing to admit that but to add the idea that I had intent to harass is ludicrous. I understand that this post and even me saying I raid in a repeat cycle may make it seem as though Β I only kill players but that is also false. I have helped defend numerous deckhands and cadets as well as even when I do kill lower ranking players for the occasional head I always return gear. Examples of this would be mr.potato, geomajesus, duplic, jacebade, as well as numerous others. To categorize me as a one dimensional player killer and harasser with “proof” that in work to my defence my showing that I do attack for heads and resources while saying at the same time that I verbally abuse people show the complete lack of a central argument in this post.

    ( sorry for my grammar and spelling kinda late when I wrote this :D)

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    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

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    If there are that many of you, you oughta be able toΒ kill him.

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    well this is what happens if you guys name your crew AlQaeda and ISIS XD

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    “Oh no! He’s raiding me on a pirate server! Harrassment!” – Typical BS. Build a better base, gather resources and outsmart him. This server makes it too easy to avoid being raided…you really have no reason to get raided so many times.

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    elex coul you stop it with the negative comments…


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    β€œOh no! He’s raiding me on a pirate server! Harrassment!” – Typical BS. Build a better base, gather resources and outsmart him. This server makes it too easy to avoid being raided…you really have no reason to get raided so many times.


    I agree, but I think they could use help from a more experienced player.

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    Erm, did any of the above commenters read through the original post? The dude is saying that he has not been able to come online for two weeks without dagersh attacking his crew. This certainly is a potential case of harassment. To be honest, any player who has a (quote:) “cycle” of raid targets is going to find himself in this predicament sooner or later.

    That being said, it looks like there needs to be more proof. Screenshots of the live map are X times better than skewed excerpts from the chat log.

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    I think yet both arguments are good.

    I think dagersh should get the hint and raid some body else.


    Paul is right, dagersh even if you did go through a ‘cycle’ your ‘cycle’ seems to always becomes this guy every time he comes online.

    mate if this happens I recommend joining a bigger crew orΒ at least all getting some protection or help from others.

    Also don’t sell your claim blocks.


    This should help, also if you join my crew I could possibly give you some land to build upon.

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    I do understand that my “cycle” can be off sometimes πŸ˜› but the case he is trying to make that this is harassment with malicious intent. I tried to do the reasonable thing and apologize but all he did was threaten me. I never tried to say that what I was doing was 100% reasonable but I dont think it counts as harassment


    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

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    wait u guys named ur crew ISIS? -_-

    with a name like that u deserve to be attacked.



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    Paul I understand his point and I ceded that I may have overstepped a boundary but not on purpose. also my “cycle’ isnt a list of players it more like “oh I havent raided them in a while” instead of a list with timers

    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

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    I understand that I need more proof, and I’ll try to collect screenshots from the live map and take them when he raids us (given it continues). The raiding is so frequent that we cannot rebuild between raids. We totally understand that this is a pirate/raiding server though. It’s just not fun when we are constantly attacked by someone who goes out of their way to attack us, simply because he can. Β Again, thanks for the help!

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    your argument still lies on the basis that I have some reason to attack you specifically for a reason beyond what I stated

    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

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