Custom Command Ideas

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  • #1761
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    I figured out we can alias custom commands to other commands/plugins, and also display custom text from a custom command, we can pass data into these too.
    Are there any commands that would make life easier on the server you wish we had?
    Im going to add a /howtoplay that opens up a basic overview about the server for those new players that ask.
    Ideas welcome.

    Crazy Pirate
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    To be able to sell wood to the server without traveling to designated towns. We have a /value or /worth, can’t remember which. Maybe you have to travel to certain towns to sell other stuff, more important than wood. I would like it if buying livemap markers could be done via commands, and these apparent custom kits. Maybe you could spend money on increasing your ships size, or unlock certain things early from higher ranks. So someone with 3,000 cash with sailor rank could buy the ability to make cannons, without being a gunner, and could increase the size of his/her ship.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Edit- Purchasable commands? Maybe, at a great cost, commands can be bought for certain things, at the cove, here are some suggestions.

    -Ship materials commands upon using, certain materials are spawned in, enough to build a dhow, or similar.
    -Pathway Commands spawn in a limited amount of cobble, or gravel, or stone, or whatever, for paths.
    -Mining Command, spawns in a decent pick (stone?) that can be used, when stuck underground.
    -PVM Command this command gives regen or something similar, when fighting mobs, or players.

    These aren’t meant to be farmable, but can be bought at a great cost, for your style of playing, so that if you need it, its there.

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    Lol, me and reaper implemented Ship kits yesterday to piratecraft! Visit The Cove! In the Ship Shop!

    Same for cannons shop, We could easily do the same for Pathways, I could even alias a command to pasting in a wordedit path from where your standing! :O

    Might try that.

    At the moment all these things are bought only by sign, people always have access to warps to get out of a sticky situation.

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    the sell wood command is kinda pointless, as you only need to warp to the cove to do it anyway,not only that it renders our time and effort of builkding the Cove useles.


    You can Buy stone, gravel, cobble etc from shops on the server anyway, so again can be obtained with a simple /warp cove or /warp shop.

    As much as i like the pathway idea, it then takes away from the Legit built server.

    we already have plenty of kits that include a pick axe for free, so a payable one would be nice, say /kit SOS- from this kit, you could get say

    a stone pick

    a stone sword

    a health potion

    and a torch.


    could always do a kit /heal costs £20 and replensishes health and hunger fully once



    • Topics: 794
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    I think we already have it super easy, Im tempted to turn off all teleporting half the time.

    Maybe we should make it cost to use /tpa /tpahere 🙂

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