Cry Baby

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  • #34297
    Ic3y ;]
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    Hello Pirates!,

    I was playing today and then DeadManGuyMan said “anyone selling gold”. To this I relpied yes, so he said I want 2 ingots.
    Im not wasting my time with petty ammounts like that! Then i said no- at this point the spamm began (not to mention, i clearly said the deal was off xD)
    here is the proof:

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    Thanks for posting this, it worked as a reminder, I have about 20 photos of him insulting, spamming, and being a cry baby exactly like here.


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    Crazy Pirate
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    I know you normally get a warning for this, but I’d be content just dropkicking him in the face

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    JDM Cars are the best

    Ic3y ;]
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    @Geralt thats enough proof surely. Its Just rude and spamm



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    This is complete proof that he cannot behave well on the swrver with others. The saddest part is he’s a gunner, so he must’ve played for a while

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    He/she sounds like they are very, very young.

    I have given them a warning and a 1 week tempmute, im sure this will send the message to not act this way in chat.

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    It’s sad, I’ve played with Dead a couple of times & we get along well.

    I’ve never seen him like this before, it’s a shame really.


    I hope he doesn’t do this again, mainly because I bet he feels rather embarrassed because of this reaction to it.



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    ive actually had something similar happen to me once before with this player. I made a comment to deadpan dying, and was in no way making it rude, disrespectful, hurtful or anything negative. just poked fun, and he starts spamming my messages in all caps with nonsense. so not the first ive seen them doing crap like this to others.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    I am surprised the chat filter actually let him repeat the same message over and over. Usually when I say something in the wrong chat and then try copying it into the right chat it keeps spamming me with “DO NOT REPEAT THE SAME MESSAGE OR SOMETHING TOO SIMILAR.” ._.

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    paul, I could be wrong, and If I am, somepne correct me, but I think that spammy message only pops up in global chat. it ignores pm and crew chat…

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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