Me and _kingRS_ have both noticed that our crews have been deleted, and we don’t quite know why. The VE as well as the XE (my crew) have both disappeared and members have been kicked (or something like that).
I have not been on the server for a long time, so i dont know if this is a common glitch, however i can assure you that we (as leaders of our crew) did not kick anyone.
I don’t know if any admins could clear us up on what has happened (in case they were removed by an admin for some reason), or whether the crew itself still exists, but it just doesn’t show up.
Also, i didn’t quite know where to put this post so sorry if it is in the wrong place
Thank you
P.S any chance i can get my $350 back with that crew home glitch? its a lot of money for me, and i have people who can verify that i set a home, and it was removed.
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Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia