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    8:23 pm EST Server timed out. the server decides to blow up when the admin and owner are sleeping fantastic

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Solution: Gods move to america! 😀

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    lol, at one point its crashed he fixed it and god guy said he was off to bed, 5 min later it crashed again and the alert work him up so he had to fix it again. at which point every one online agreed if it goes down again he should leave it till morning…… 5 min later it was down again YAY.


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    Yes, I have been aware since the first crash, The issue resides on the hosts Mysql (Again), this is the exact response from my host.

    We are currently rebuilding a raid on the mysql system, this causes a slightly higher load.

    What this does is crash GriefPrevention, If there is any issue with the mysql host griefprevention will have a hissy fit and crash everything, I have asked for a cache of claims to take over if mysql connection drops from the developers before, since theres a new dev I just left him a message so he knows about this issue to see if it can be fixed with his recent updates.

    For now, we will have to hang tight, and if there is a crash, hope that me or reaper are around to manually boot the server up, before we had an amazing wrapper that dealt with auto restarting the server on crash, but yet again its now an abandoned project. 🙁


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    @Godsdead Crashes are caused by pve plugin everytime i killed someone it lag/crash/timeout There ya go 😛


    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Same For Me To I Killed Someone And the server timed out

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