CottageCooper was my last straw.

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    My Username: DoctorDDandy

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: CottageCooper
    UUID: 3a6aa-aed5-48c2-9bbf-22fde6ccdfba
    Punishment Tracker URL:

    Reason for Report (please select as needed)

    Overview Description of Report
    I was originally in BE, but I left the crew after I realized I didn’t like how things were done and internal problems were handled. I joined Kha0ticx_InX’s ESE after he showed me how well structured his crew was and I offered my assistance. I was building houses on Friday 2/23, 2 days after I joined the ESE and I was remodeling my house until I was attacked repeatedly by someone named CottageCooper. He kept killing me multiple times as I tried to get back home so I just gave up going home. Everything that I had was ransacked and I was killed needlessly.

    Detailed Information
    I am reporting this after Kha0ticx told me I should, and that we needed it for GodsDead to take action.

    I also have no interest of returning on the server due to this being the last straw of my unluckiness on the server as of recent.

    I have no screenshots but Kha0ticx_InX’s report of the situation has screenshots of me confronting him about leaving. Hopefully this helps bring him or others like him down.

    Harassing so much, player leaves the server entirely


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    only the strongest survive

    royal navy shipwright
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    I think you mean richest cuz you definitely ain’t strong. @4orange

    Rank: First Mate
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    i can bench press 135 but ok

    and how many multi-day hikes have you been on hmmmmmmm

    royal navy shipwright
    developer of advanced armour for ships
    turns on hitboxes when pvping

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    Kid, I’m studying Aerospace Engineering at the moment in college, going through Officer Candidacy for the Marine Corps.
    Know your place kid, you just have money.

    “But OK”


    Rank: First Mate
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    Cottage is a butt. The only time I’ve ever dealt with him was during a siege, which I did intentionally log to lose, but he couldn’t get in so it was fine… Until I left my safe room nearly an hour later and there he was, hiding in my base long after he should be gone, and killed me. But I have seen him kill a lot of people, some of which he seems to be targeting more than others.

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    lol idiot im trying to get into the usafa

    “but ok”

    royal navy shipwright
    developer of advanced armour for ships
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    if you leave the server after only ONE time being sacked then this is not the place for you. Good luck getting rid of him though, if it were me i would just wait it out in a siege proof bunker. Make your base better and he cant get to you.

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    I was sieged and ransacked multiple times. It was ofc my own fault, since I failed at building a siegeproof base. (To this day my base still is not siegeproof)

    I have had to start over materially quite a few times, like I said, and never quit. Like orange said, only the strongest survive. I of all people know that this is true. Just dont give up, hang in there, and your strength will increase all by it‘s self. This is the most important rule of pmc @DoctorDDandy. Never give up, and you have never truly lost.

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    Building a siege proof base isn’t too difficult, if you know how. I only recently finished mine, but that’s because I’m lazy.

    Also make sure to always lock and claim your stuff.

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    @4orange @CreeperInX what the hell are you fools doing

    “I’m studying Aerospace Engineering” more like aero up my ass engineering

    “lol idiot im trying to get into the usafa” that’s about all it’ll ever be…trying

    Both of y’all need to leave this thread unless you have something actually helpful to say to @DoctorDDandy

    Besides, if we’re being honest, everyone here, and I do mean EVERYONE, knows how easy it is to just type up whatever you want and make up the truth. Whatever you say, whatever evidence you provide about your tall tales, there is no way to prove any of it. Honestly, here, no one cares if you can bench 10 or 135 pounds, or if you are studying aerospace engineering or basic arithmetic. Trying to make those things relevant here is only making it worse for yourselves.

    As for you, DoctorDDandy, good luck wherever the future takes you

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    for once i actually agree with you astro lmao

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    He’s currently on a 2 week ban for attacking staff and slander.

    The fact hes being toxic to the rest of the community as well as staff does not fend well for this temp, if he can’t learn from the multiple temps/mutes then it will have to be moved to a perm ban.

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    cooper is a good friend of mine and i admit he does some stupid stupid shit an so do i but i think you will be rid off him and his raiding he says hes leaving pmc with a few close friends just all i suggest is to learn from this experience and get stronger with it hell mystic got raided by hydra lost like everything but he came back stronger than ever its a dime a dozen story i was crippled many times on this server so was alot of prominent figures on the server but the people who quitted after the raids didnt have that time to become successful i just hope you stay and learn from this and next time include screen shots or the time of the incident so staff can check to make sure your post isn’t just BS

    -regards nitro the evil potato

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    I hope you realize you’re posting on the forum post where he does speak for himself…lol

    Thanks for the feedback tho, he just got irritated and left after a second time of coming back on in a while. By my understanding he isn’t coming back at all so I don’t think he’s seeing any of this.


    Rank: First Mate
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