Cotij Unban Request

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  • #83975
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    I am posting this appeal on behalf of Cotij/CottageCooper as he does not have an active forums account.

    Username when banned: Cotij or CottageCooper

    Current: CotiWoti

    UUID: c4f3a6aa-aed5-48c2-9bbf-22fde6ccdfba

    Banned By: N/A I cannot find his punishment tracker.


    Cotij was banned for toxicity and spamming chat while muted, while yes this punishment was a result of a long list of past rule breaking, it has been nearly 4 full years since his ban, many players banned at the time for worse reasons have been recently welcomed back on the server, and Cotij believes that if allowed another chance, he will be a good addition back to the server and help boost the community’s growth once again. I’m going to keep it concise, since at the end of the day I am only speaking on behalf of him, and it is going to be the opinion of the staff reading this on what to do. I believe unbanning Cotij would be beneficial to growing the community back to its old numbers.


    Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.

    • Topics: 3
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    • Total: 6

    They don’t often even consider peoples appeals on others behalves.

    They always say if they want to appeal they have to do it themselves.

    Just to let you know of course I wish you the best of luck!

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