Consigner, the first of its kind

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    Good evening ladies and gents.

    I have been working tirelessly on my base and making good relations with people on this majestic server. But today I took a step back and wondered can I place shop signs on a ship and sail it?  And the end result worked and turned out splendidly!!!


    so today marks a new pathway for the trade industry, Merchant ships! And I believe I’am first to own one of these ships. I will take requests from people that ask me to stop by but you must have a port for me to rent out and park my ship safely. Thank you all and swab the decks you sad Scally wags!

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    Damn you! :P… I was in the process of building one. I’ve literally just finished the bodywork, too 😛

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    Hahaha well I made mine a schooner since that is the highest I can go nothing buggy but it’s something new.

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    Oh my god, how has nobody thought of this yet!


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    Actually, i came up with an idea for merchant ships months ago, i had a sign shop in my ship ready for the open seas! .. But i soon realised no one was interested in this form of “business” as reapers’ and skymanjays shop were only 5 seconds away at all times.

    I do think though that merchant ships should be a thing! It really adds to the piratey feel if you would need to actually sail around and meet the people to trade with, just like it was and still for the most part is today..

    Problem is the teleportation system, its more convinient and its safer, since you dont have a chance being raided in your fully loaded ship of goods and precious metals that you have been collecting for hours.

    I’m in on you with the trade ships because i think they’re cool, but if they should in any way work properly in do think the teleport system needs to go, along with all the warps to the shops.

    I know i closed down my “movable shop” and just settled down on my island making a regular one…

    Founder of Port Hope

    Alex Lazescu
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    Merchant ship was the first idea I ever had when I came on the server tbh; so don’t get too excited. Kudos to you for building it; I’ll make sure to blow her out of the water <3

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    Ships under me protection 😛 As long as he does a favor for me :3

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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