Concerning warp killing

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    This mostly concerns /warp cove and /warp shop

    Just posting this to clarify a few things, as we’ve had quite a few complaints:

    1. Yes, you may push afk people at cove or wherever into water and let them drown
    2. Godmode will not be enabled at ANY warp – you will still take damage from falling and/or drowning
    3. PvP will remain off
    4. Damage taken from fireworks has now been removed at warps – so you won’t take damage from them anymore


    You’re pirates. You should know not to afk next to water – some sneaky pirate will come along and push you in when you’re having a snooze. Full on mafia style, minus the concrete block.

    What to take away from this: 

    Don’t afk at cove or spawn, unless you are 100% sure you won’t be pushed into water or over an edge. Best place to afk is inside one of the many ships, or inside the upper floors of the buildings. 


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    Mini Changelog

    • /warp cove /spawn and /warp shop all have Firework damage disabled
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    Just replace all the water with lava. No1 will ever drown again

    Keep you'r friends rich
    and you'r enemies rich
    and wait to find out which is which.

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    Just replace all the water with lava. No1 will ever drown again

    Don’t tempt me, maybe a weekend event to have all water acid?

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    Just replace all the water with lava. No1 will ever drown again

    Or delete the server, no one can die if there is no server to die on.

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    Or delete the server, no one can die if there is no server to die on.

    Give everyone OP on join? If were burning it down, lets do it in style.

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    Tis a most unhappy and saddening thing. I know of many a poor soul who only wished this server good then sadly dying in cove. Twas a shame if not a most heart breaking thing to hear. Nay I say not one soul should be able to be harmed bye fire water or lava while conducting honorable and honest means of business at the respectable /warp cove.


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