Claim Removal Request

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  • #69172
    • Topics: 1
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    My Username: Bombniks
    Coordinates: x:-3,579 z:-6,520
    Claim owner: StaticSkizzles
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: 6 months ago
    Claim Size: 36×23 = 828
    Reason: This person hasn’t logged on in over 6 months and is no longer in our crew, the claim is right in the middle of our town and we also want to use the huge space.

    sabrina (lazydog11)
    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 674
    • Total: 685
    • ★★★★★★

    are you sure about the coord because there is nothing here

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 6
    • Total: 7

    i forgot to put in a –

    the actual coords i got from /getpos are

    x:-3,579 z:-6,520


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