Claim Removal Request

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  • #65636
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    My Username: KristiKat
    Coordinates: Piratecraft_1_nether, x: -570, y: 78, z: -79
    Claim owner: tobiasthewizard
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: 2 months, 4 days
    Claim Size: 12×13=156
    Reason: I built a nether portal and it put me dead center into this stone brick room claimed by Tobias (unsure if real Tobias…) and it prevents me from entering the nether. There’s nothing but a steel door, a crafting table, and a chest which I doubt has much in it. I under stands that it’s almost a month under the minimum, but this doesn’t look used at all and anyone else near me attempting to reach the nether is probably also going to run into this problem. I wouldn’t even have a problem with the door just being removed so I could go into the Nether. If you can’t do anything, I understand and I’ll revisit this at a later date. Thanks in advance!

    • Topics: 68
    • Replies: 478
    • Total: 546
    • ★★★★★★

    Tobias has not been offlinefor enough time for us to remove the claim, try building a new portal that will link up with your own in the over world.

    Try to check this out might help you.


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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