Claim Removal Request

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  • #62086
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    My Username: jocsnake (firstmate)
    Coordinates:  x: 186.319, y:67, z:-58.352
    Claim owner: WogWorld
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: A little over 18 months
    Claim Size: Fairly Large, but this is only about a small piece
    Reason: The section in question is a blaze spawner that is placed in such a way that a player can hit them but it is near impossible to collect the drops by the way it is built. My idea would be to remove this claim, and then I would make it an effective community spawner where anyone could come in, kill the blazes, and benefit from it. I think this is a valid request due to the limited number of blaze spawners in the nether, and some of which are sealed off anyway. This would create something that could be beneficial to the greater majority and presently active players. If granted, I promise I would build it so that others could use it and not just myself.  If a deposit of doubloons or anything is also required to have staff remove the claim, I would be happy to comply with those requirements as well. If WogWorld ever did return, I would immediately turn the small square of land back to him and ask no further questions. Sorry if I did this wrong, I have never have done a claim removal request before. Thank you kindly for your time.



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    Sounds good!

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    there are still plenty of blaze spawners to be found out there – people have requested the removal of that claim many times – won’t be able to remove it sorry. He’s a veteran player, and it has good stuff inside.

    If you find another spawner with a different claim on it, feel free to post again and we can see what we can do.

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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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