Claim Removal – DeDerpyDerp_

Home Forums Server Support Claim Removal Requests Claim Removal – DeDerpyDerp_

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  • #75464
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    My Username: DeDerpyDerp_

    Coordinates: 2909 63 -70

    Claim owner: JonathanPPanda

    Time the Claim owner has been offline: JonathanPPanda (1month 27 days)

    Claim Size: 17×32

    Reason: I wish to expand my port around a canal I own and this claim blocks the coastline I’d expand from, and is within 3 chunks of my main port, which is older then JonathanPPanda’s PMC account. If the claim can not be removed, as JonathanPPanda is a firstmate, I would like to know how close I could claim for my expansion project. 


    tl;dr this claim is really close to my port already, and I would like to expand over to that side of the bay and this claim is in the way. 

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    this one has to wait a bit longer try and catch him ingame if you can.

    • Topics: 17
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    May I ask how long it would take to get it removed if I can’t find him online (IE he quit PMC)

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