[changelog] Updates, Re-added Multiworld & Added New world " davy jones locker"

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates [changelog] Updates, Re-added Multiworld & Added New world " davy jones locker"

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  • #59224
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    • Updated async worldedit plugin
    • Added multi world plugin
    • Added Per-world inventory plugin
      • is only set for our new world (davy jones locker).
      • Will not affect Over-world, Nether, The End, all will keep the same inv (hopefully, report if there are issues).
    • Added new world “davy jones locker”
      • Not ready, making this micro project on the live server as I go.
      • Idea is this; An alternative way to punish people, banish them to purgatory, davy jones locker! They will have no commands/cant talk and will have to collect x amount of sand to get themselves released. (None of this is working atm) but I know you would want an explanation for the world!
    • Topics: 12
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    This sounds really cool! I can’t  wait to see it when its done!

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    This sounds amazing Godsy! My favorite part about this would be the new penalty system, collecting sand to get out of the penalty world, Davy Jones Locker.

    Just think about it, lakesidekiller pisses off an admin like Net, and all net would have to do is just, /deport lakesidekiller and bam they stop existing in the normal worlds and are sent to The penalty world.

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    Governor in Rome.
    Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
    “To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”

    • Topics: 5
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    This is awesome XD enable PvP in there too so that the people need to work together or they are getting nowhere.

    Also, maybe make some smol sand crabs. Idk, just like the movies (heh). And maybe, if this project keeps going and being updated, a Black Pearl that brings you back to piratecraft cove.



    im a kau

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