Ive made a bunch of micro changes lately and not made changlogs and forgotten what I’ve done (helpful..) So I’m going to post even micro things ive changed.
When I did this https://piratemc.com/topic/changelog-updates-re-added-multiworld-added-new-world-davy-jones-locker/ on September 3rd, it enabled a setting in our main world called auto heal, that made the world pretty much peaceful, I don’t like peaceful, this needs to be back at hard. This meant that hunger wasn’t decreasing, at all when stood still/did basic tasks.
I flipped this to false and it seems to be back to normal (tell me if not), I did test in a single player world the default mechanics of hunger and I was surprised by the results, default minecraft on hard does not let you die of hunger if you are stood still/walking, it drops to 3 hunger bars and does not decrease?
Does this mean that new players that spawn will no longer die from hunger if they just spawn and walk around? Seems odd behavior, but is replicated in single player.