[changelog] Added //calc, Changed how you /bottle XP

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    • added //calc This is a fully blown scientific calculator, not that you need a scientific calculator, but some people wanted to add up numbers, calculate plot sizes, for example //calc 1+1 will give you = 2.0 For the math heads, here’s what its capable of: http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Expression_syntax
    • Next restart /calc will be active as an alias for //calc because who’s got time for two slashes?
    • This is why you are here! /bottle has been changed, I know this will upset some because it makes life really easy for you, the way you can use the command /bottle and it will now tell you how it works, you can still use /bottle stats and /bottle until <level> as these were handy measurements, but the /bottle get <amount>/max has been removed in favor of using an enchantment table to bottle XP.
      • Now to bottle XP you need to punch an empty glass bottle on an enchantment table
      • You can SHIFT+PUNCH a glass bottle on an enchantment table to do 10 bottles at once.
      • It now costs $2 per bottle of XP converted into XP bottles for you

    I want to moan about it now costing money to bottle XP;

    Read through this entire thread please; http://piratemc.com/topic/poll-should-we-remove-the-bottle-plugin-for-fairer-gameplay/ You will see how OP bottling XP Is and how much its damaging the day to day gameplay of PVP and making OP people even more over powered and pretty much invincible since mending came around. I personally want it fully removed, but there’s still a split in the community about it, hopefully this is a compromise for now, people will have to weigh up the pros/cons with the cost now attached.

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    Excellent idea, I think it would work like a charm in the way of removing that darn mending product from the market. I hate it oh so very much. I liked the old armor, where if something goes, it’s gone, not epearl away 8,900,9999999999,99,9,9,9,9,9,,999 (exaggeration and as you can see I am very good at maths(that was another joke))  then boost your armor up until it’s full and return to the fight with the noob in God armor that’s actually good at pvp. Godsdead’a right with this one, but hey, that’s just a theory, a game theory (it really wasn’t but I’m good at maths so I know what I’m talking about)

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    Got mixed feelings about this one, but I guess it is ultimately beneficial for the server.

    Mojang removing the gapple recipe was a sensible move imho, as players with huge expensive gold farms had an incredibly OP advantage over others.

    With XP bottles as a luxury item, players would likely run from battle earlier before their armour breaks. It would become common to fix gear at a grinder in between bouts or quickly swap it in for a second set.

    But there are still villager trades. If you have a villager farm, it’s now actually worth buying bottles o’ enchanting for 3-11 emeralds. That means anyone with a villager farm can get a large amounts of XP bottles without spending $128 a stack. Which means nothing really changes after all in PvP, nor probably regarding the price on the market.

    So I find removing the free XP bottle creation is a step in the right direction in principle, but I’ll be surprised if it revolutionises PvP as we hope it will.

    And I’m going to find myself wasting a whole lot more XP when I die… xD

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    hmm….. wonder how much itll cost for me to bottle my levels when I log in. I hoarded 106 lvls from the double exp event waiting to see if bottle would be returned or not… any guesses on how much itll cost me?? XD

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Hmm…maybe use the new //calc feature 😉

    I like the compromise, I wish politics irl were that easy. 😀

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    Got mixed feelings about this one, but I guess it is ultimately beneficial for the server. Mojang removing the gapple recipe was a sensible move imho, as players with huge expensive gold farms had an incredibly OP advantage over others. With XP bottles as a luxury item, players would likely run from battle earlier before their armour breaks. It would become common to fix gear at a grinder in between bouts or quickly swap it in for a second set. But there are still villager trades. If you have a villager farm, it’s now actually worth buying bottles o’ enchanting for 3-11 emeralds. That means anyone with a villager farm can get a large amounts of XP bottles without spending $128 a stack. Which means nothing really changes after all in PvP, nor probably regarding the price on the market. So I find removing the free XP bottle creation is a step in the right direction in principle, but I’ll be surprised if it revolutionises PvP as we hope it will. And I’m going to find myself wasting a whole lot more XP when I die… xD

    Oh no it wont Paul! you are completely right! But its a compromise for now!

    double exp event waiting to see if bottle would be returned or not… any guesses on how much itll cost me?? XD

    RIP. Yeah I had an issue with me doing that double XP event and someone telling me that bottle could be used, so I had to quickly remove the permissions and they said it still worked, so I thought this entire time people were using bottle during that Double XP event, I got fed some bad informatino that lead me on a wild goose-chase it seems, this is why I implemented it today, I was trying to diagnose the information that me removing the permissions during the double XP still allowed people to use /bottle, but I couldnt figure out how it was possible, so I re-enabled it with these settings. Ive had this in my head for a while, its going to cost as its a luxury. Especially when you have $144,000 in your balance, it shouldn’t be worth worrying about!

    double exp event waiting to see if bottle would be returned or not… any guesses on how much it’ll cost me?? XD

    I know nobody likes it, but it needs to happen, better this tiny payment for them than unlimited free rain, its not like glass bottles (sand) is expensive!


    Remember, just because its set does not mean it has to be set in stone permanently, I’m always trying to improve PirateCraft, always have, always will. Stay tuned. But do give me feedback, I read everything.

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    Erm @GodsDead… made a bit of a mistake while quoting Kanube’s response, xD

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    Yea lol


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    Erm @godsdead… made a bit of a mistake while quoting Kanube’s response, xD

    Ha so I did pie lord

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    well using a nifty exp calculator, cys currently has 30,849 exp, and if each bottle holds 10 exp, then she would need a hefty 3084 bottles, which i assume is no problem for you xD, and that would cost a nifty $6168, which, once again, is no problem for you xD


    i hope i did my maths right lol



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    well, aside from the breach in democracy, this makes my job interesting because now exp prices are gonna skyrocket and people are going to be buying exp en masse for the next few days, I think i will wait a couple days then make my report to see how this effects the eco.

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