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    After reading the signs at the current captain spawn and seeing that nobody has decided to take on the challange of building a new spawn for captains, I have decided to give it a go. I’m not planning to do anything massive but I would like to have some ideas from current captains/ donators for what I should put in it. Feel free to suggest anything, I’m open to every idea at the moment!

    P.S Is it still ok to use the schematica like you said on the signs or should I figure out another way to send it to you Gods?


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    How kind.

    Good luck.

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    Take out ideas! Anything made will be put into the vicinity of the cove, I will accept a schematic of a player made structure. Nothing to grand.

    I put those signs up a very long time ago! Im sure you all can come up with a better idea! discuss!

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    Sunken ship with spawn under water? You know how captain’s like to go down with their ships. There can be a sea cave adjacent that leads to the surface. Maybe there’s some hidden booty in it as well. Who knows? Just some inspiration.

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    this is going to sound reaaaaallllly stupid, but maybe the spawn should be heaps of small claims where donators build cool things in. A bit like /warp donate but we make it instead πŸ˜€

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    this is going to sound reaaaaallllly stupid, but maybe the spawn should be heaps of small claims where donators build cool things in. A bit like /warp donate but we make it instead ?

    No, its going to be a spawn, not a location to build.

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    Edit: The spawn is now done. I also think it’s possible to just compress the world into a zip file and send it to you to let you work your magic @godsdead.


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    Edit: The spawn is now done. I also think it’s possible to just compress the world into a zip file and send it to you to let you work your magic @godsdead.

    Sounds good to me, we can also get feedback from captains on it and you could update it, im sure I can make a sub-claim. πŸ™‚

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