Cannon Limit?

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    So now that the stats page is back up, I can see that I have one cannon somewhere in the world. The thing is, I don’t know where. I made one during the ship battle, but it seems to have been destroyed and I could not find it anywhere even after sailing around and searching all the wreckages (though I did break some cannons for some other people 🙂 ).

    I am wondering if there is some command in the plugin that allows you to disable all your active cannons? If I remember correctly, the current limit per player is 50. If someone stole someone else’s ship with 50 cannons on it, they’d be pretty screwed, no? :3

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    Yea I have 150 cannons apparently….

    Would be nice to disable all of them at once.

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    I don’t think the limit works right now

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    from what i know, it hasn’t worked in a while, thus explaining how i made over 200+ cannons

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    The limit thing never worked proeprly for me, I should be able to use unlimited but I get limited to a really odd number.

    Keep in mind, that the web UI is only updated once every 24 hours.

    You can do /cannons list

    And you can also do /cannons reset to remove all cannons.

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    Thanks, that command is EXACTLY what I was hoping for! Problem solved I think. 😀

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