Canals and Books ~ News Edition: 49

Home Forums Crew Group Discussion Panda Press Canals and Books ~ News Edition: 49

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    “TAS Builds Canal in 2 Days!”

    As members were getting on piratecraft today many of them noticed a large canal that had been dug almost overnight by TAS members who were persistent to open up the canal to connect the southern seas. This major feat was completed in simply two days as TAS members such as Cysteen, Riverwood202, Turkeyman11a, CaptainCraken, ArtificialDemon, Jmoo and many others worked tirelessly to complete this canal in record time. Lawzoneon was also present and helped in the slabbing and digging of the canal as a friend of the builders. Thankfully we got sent a video and some pics of the canal being built so that we can show all of our readers just what went on the past two days. Cysteen also told the press that once the canal is fully finished she would be opening it up to be claimed by the admins for public use! This means that anyone who wanted to traverse the seas could do so freely using this new canal.

    The video of the canal’s opening: (

    The pics we were sent: (


    “Panda Press Sold in Game Book Form!”

    The Panda Press articles are now sold in Riverwood202’s shop at /warp shop2 for only £12! This is an in-game copy of each article put out by the paper and there are the latest three articles sold at the shop. This means that if you want to read the newspaper off the forums you can now head to River’s shop and purchase a copy for yourself! Older copies will eventually sell for more as time goes on so make sure you get the copies you want now before they’re gone!




    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Visit the piratecraft casino and shop, featuring a cash gambling machine and items to sell or buy. /warp shop, turn right at the end of the main street and find s48. (Hot deal right now: Brewing recipe books, reduced in price)



    Come down to Cys’ shop at s39 (/warp shop2, second on the right) for a general store with a various collection of items from kit armor, to the largest Food shop, and building blocks to choose from! I have Sell signs on the 3rd floor, so anyone needing a quick penny (for a little bit of work) can have a look! Also will be adding a sort of seasonal stock, that changes often, so check back for new stock!


    Galaxy219 I still need to get your advertisement sent to me in a pm to add it to the newspaper.



    “Quote of the Day”

    ”It isn’t about ruling the world, it is about ruling every living thing in it.” ~ Riverwood202


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    Fantastic work Cysteen and team! It must have been horrific to fill that canal up with water…… xD

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

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    The Queen
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    That quote is so redundant… you don’t want to rule the world but you want to rule everything living thing in it which technically makes up the world unless your talking about geographical features of it … lol.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Special thanks to everyone that helped, even a little. we spent what I estimated about 12< hours, over the span of 3 days, from start to finish. what would normally take other groups on this server several months to complete, we finished in under 12 hours. this certainly will not be the last canal project we will do; I have plans for more in the future.

    special thanks to everyone that helped!:

    CaptainCracken, Browe, Arti, Galaxy, Network, Nahadoth, Turkey, River, Jmoo, Law, Mandarin, Keto, and joe! (sorry if I missed anyone else)

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    @Cysteen can you put the canal in a better spot next time? From the map it looks like you have to turn at least 5 times just to get in from the left side.

    Also, I have to agree with @Reptaria – of course you would be ruling the people in the world. It’s not like I’m gonna walk up to a rock and tell it to pay taxes or something like that. Seriously, @Riverwood202?

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    @reptaria @astrobolt stop bashing the quote, this thread is about the canal.


    The Queen
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    What? Who wouldn’t have anything against the girl who lived with me for a while then told me to get out one day. Taking half my stuff then raided me and made 25k off of me when we were said be best friends then once she told her friends they say why do something that river and she responds “a raid is a raid”.  That’s what I thought lol. Love you too Capn, she just lacks common sense.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    don’t turn this news thread into a flame war. that sandbar will be removed anyways. you’re welcome for even putting in the effort for something we may not even use as frequently. it’s for the server. and the quote, is just a damn quote. we don’t need to complain about every little detail on these threads. manda is ever so kind enough to pull time from his busy days (as a college student especially) to even provide us with these articles, so nit-picking on him for even the tiniest of details is just disrespectful to him and his effort to provide something for the community. <3 you manda, keep up the great work ^-^

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    Omg, lol. I realized I wrote the quote wrong when I sent it to Manda. Sorry everyone!

    And oh my lord that salt Rep

    Edit: The quote meant to say, “It isn’t about ruling the planet, it’s about killing every living thing.”

    (The quote was suppose to be really dark) xD


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    The Queen
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    I wasn’t not picking cys lol it was not manda fault and sure river sure. 😉 side note SALT AND FLEA ARE PERM BANNED??? Manda put an article bout that cause I’m interested to know why!


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    @Cysteen Joe helped too 🙁

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    I don't know what else to put.

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    @tas I helped too :C

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    Did the canal get filled or do you need some special admin powers to water the hole?

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    we filled the canal by hand. thanks though, gods <3

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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