Building north spawn

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    Hey, I noticed that warp north could use a upgrade. I wondered if i could help build it and how i one might sign up? I am pretty good with all medieval structures.



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    You can become a craftsman, a non staff member who is still a normal player but gets to help out on server builds exactly like this. I believe @Maximus can tell you how to apply.

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    Funny you mention this. There are a bunch of Builder in Gm1 upgrading warp east on the test server.

    North is up for grabs to anyone that wants to build there, and we already have an official thread for it

    heads up if you think you can go to the test server and stash loot for when its moved here, its all tracked and it’ll be an instant perm ban for that 🙂

    The theme was Nordic from what most people wanted. so theres a theme already, its such a shame the disgusting mess players have made on the coastline of north, its just full of really ugly player box builds, I just zoomed in and theres a road that reads “I fuck penis” with a picture of a dirt knob on it. That entire area could be regenerated.

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    K i will check with Maximus.

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