[bug] Statistics issues !! MUST READ !!

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    My ingame username is SnapCrackPlays

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

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    As far as I am aware SnapCrackPlays, minecraft completely tracks your statistics anyway. Simply just take a screenshot of your statistic screen in minecraft and post it here. Then gods can then simply update your playtime to that particular time period that is shown in your statistic page. Look at my post for more info, to find the statistic page click “ESC” then “Statistics” and you should see your playtime as one of the first stats displayed. This works as long as you’re on pirate craft when you do this.


    Just a friendly suggestion

    – Silence__

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    However, interestingly enough, bukkit also stores a players statistics in the .world/stats/player_unique_id.JSON . So perhaps instead of actually needing to give the estimated play time in, @GodsDead could just (if the company he is hosting with allows him to access the server files) navigate this file destination and if you gave him your unique player id, which is also fairly easy for him to get just by kicking you and making you re-join. As bukkit posts your unique id every time you join the server into the console screen.

    Then by navigating to your JSON file, Godsdead would simply just look for the “stat.playOneMinute”: <minutes played> statistic and then just update your play time. So in reality all that is needed to find a players play time is that players unique bukkit id.


    Just a friendly suggestion,




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    However, interestingly enough, bukkit also stores a players statistics in the .world/stats/player_unique_id.JSON . So perhaps instead of actually needing to give the estimated play time in, @GodsDead could just (if the company he is hosting with allows him to access the server files) navigate this file destination and if you gave him your unique player id, which is also fairly easy for him to get just by kicking you and making you re-join. As bukkit posts your unique id every time you join the server into the console screen. Then by navigating to your JSON file, Godsdead would simply just look for the “stat.playOneMinute”: <minutes played> statistic and then just update your play time. So in reality all that is needed to find a players play time is that players unique bukkit id. Just a friendly suggestion, -Silence__

    Ive already thought about that, the issue is Mojang themselves screwed up the conversion of the stats folder from 1.7 to 1.8, so all of the data in that stats folder was wiped and had to start again, there wasn’t a method at the time to convert and keep the /world/stats data moving from 1.7.10 to 1.8. Which means players from the 1.7 days wouldn’t have the right data, its ok for newer players, I think, lets test yours.

    So Silence, I pulled your stats file from the world and yours is stat.playOneMinute”:8912473, If thats in seconds thats 103 days playtime! But its got “Minute” in the variable name, so if thats minutes, you have played for 16.95 Years, so I don’t believe it is actually in Minutes, and its not long enough for a unix timestamp… So i assume for some bizarre reason its saved as some form of Ticks? Im not sure on the maths to convert it to actual timestamp.

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    Hi my in game name is CottageCooper and I do not really care about my other stats but just now I realized that I only have 3 days of play time and before I know I had at the very least 30 days and was able to rank up to boatswain. Sorry that I did not get you this sooner, it is because I just recently started playing again and just noticed.

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    hi im hurricane_joshua and i lost 2 days of time i was so close to carpender.


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    <p>i lost my playtime</p>

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    Same here with the playtime. That I checked yesterday or even the day before I had somewhere around 24-25 days of playtime, now it says 23 minutes lol. Data from 5/21 should be good as I check it regularly and it just occurred.

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    Same thing as dpex81. Checked just before midnight on Monday 5/22 and it says I’ve played 19 minutes. Was originally around 13-14 days. I remember checking it yesterday (5/21) and it was fine. IGN: Chiroptera419

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    The Lovable Housewife of Hydra
    Purity is the Best Sauce.

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    Ahoy, Ive had the same thing happen to me. Looking at my play time after my reset, Im assuming it’s been a while since it’s been reset. Im gonna try and play it safe and assume a safe date would be 5/10/2017.


    I dont think it’s the first this happened to me, I had like 30 days playtime once, and it got sent back to like 23 days for some reason, but I got it back to like 29 days before I knew it so I didnt say anything about it. This time it reset me to 0.

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    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    Ahoy, Ive had the same thing happen to me. Looking at my play time after my reset, Im assuming it’s been a while since it’s been reset. Im gonna try and play it safe and assume a safe date would be 5/10/2017. I dont think it’s the first this happened to me, I had like 30 days playtime once, and it got sent back to like 23 days for some reason, but I got it back to like 29 days before I knew it so I didnt say anything about it. This time it reset me to 0.

    Username, we have too many vipers now. Also what time did this happen (GMT please)

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    Username: Lord0Viper
    I am sorry but I dont know what time it happened all I know for sure is that it happened this month.

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    Username: Lawzoneon

    Issue: Lost about 107 days of playtime

    Current playtime: 10 hours

    Last time it was all okay when I checked, was about 3 Days ago, on the 28th of May

    I believe this also happened during a restart, but im not too sure since I noticed it after 5 hours of playing


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    Time 5/29/17 gameplay time was at 64 days 19 hours. 5/30/17 gameplay is at about 15 hours.



    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    <p><p>I’ve lost my playtime a while ago, i think that happened after a restart but im not sure about that,I’ve lost around 48 days of playtime and i actually have 2 days and 9 hours</p></p>

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