[bug] Statistics issues !! MUST READ !!

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    Ok, we converted statistics system from our Stats2 to Stats3 a while ago now, and its only starting to surface there are a few issues with this new version.

    1. The plugin randomly disconnects itself from the database, this means it can’t add/change/displays any data, so instead it displays 0 for everyone, and that session it increments from that session.
    2. Today I spent nearly my entire Sunday (What an absolute waste of my one day off) troubleshooting a single players playtime that was actually reset in the database, it turned out to have happened before we moved to stats3, so i assumed it was an issue with stats3, until just now, RiverKitty just told me her playtime and eggs thrown both got reset, but the rest of the data was there, this means its not issue 1 above, this is VITAL. If its displaying the rest of the data apart from 2 things, then those 2 things were actually changed.

    This is deeply worrying to me, especially since it took me months to get stats2 to stats3, I need to know how wide spread the issue is, there is absolutely no records anywhere of this happening, no logs, no errors nothing.

    Now I keep daily backups, so no data is actually lost, but I cant read minds. You will have to tell me exactly when it went wrong.

    I have a feeling, its something to do with the method Stats3 records time, it should only ever increment but I have a feeling the developer made a bad choice and uses a different method to record time online, Ive opened tickets with anything I could consider being part of the issue, sadly the developer hasn’t actually released any updates or fixes in years. I attempted to move to the new stats plugin I said I wanted to move to a few weeks ago, but that fully failed on me. So im stuck at present.

    What I need from you is you need to report if this has happened to you, add screenshots so we know you haven’t just caught the plugin when its disconnected from the DB and displaying everything as 0 and increment for that session.



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    Hi, my in game name is RiverKitty and I lost my stats for playtime, eggs thrown, and fish caught. This happened about 2 weeks ago, but I didn’t have time to report this in till now.


    I realize that two of the stats I have lost are not zero, but I have definitely played more than 1 day, and thrown more than one egg.



    P.S. If you need to know, now I have about 62 days of playtime and 1000-ish eggs thrown.


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
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    Hi, my in game name is RiverKitty and I lost my stats for playtime, eggs thrown, and fish caught. This happened about 2 weeks ago, but I didn’t have time to report this in till now. Screenshots: I realize that two of the stats I have lost are not zero, but I have definitely played more than 1 day, and thrown more than one egg. Thanks, River P.S. If you need to know, now I have about 62 days of playtime and 1000-ish eggs thrown.

    Hello River I’m GodsDead, nice to meet you.

    Want to pick a date from 2 weeks ago? Then i’ll import that database and look ya stats up, and set them manually.

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    “Want to pick a date from 2 weeks ago? Then i’ll import that database and look ya stats up, and set them manually.”

    probably the twelfth would be the best.




    Proud former leader of The Coalition
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    Hello this glitch happened to me and I lost most of my playtime. My username is ap3322 and before the glitch happened I had about 4 or 5 days of playtime. Now it shows I have 1 day and 13 hours, I think I should have about 5 days and 13 hours. I don’t know the exact date of when it started but it was a couple weeks ago. I’m going to go ahead and say the 12th too but I don’t know exactly.

    Screenshot below


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    Hi im Finney (FinneyD before now MoederNatuur)

    well I lost my stats maybe even a Month ago if you need a date.. just a Month ago I guess xD

    my Playtime would be 8 days -ish.

    Thanks 😀 btw I can’t get a Screenshot because I can’t find them in my PC’s file Thingy..

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    “Want to pick a date from 2 weeks ago? Then i’ll import that database and look ya stats up, and set them manually.” @godsdead probably the twelfth would be the best. Thanks, River

    Fixed rivers.

    Hello this glitch happened to me and I lost most of my playtime. My username is ap3322 and before the glitch happened I had about 4 or 5 days of playtime. Now it shows I have 1 day and 13 hours, I think I should have about 5 days and 13 hours. I don’t know the exact date of when it started but it was a couple weeks ago. I’m going to go ahead and say the 12th too but I don’t know exactly. Screenshot below http://imgur.com/SWpwAv6

    Give me an exact date, then I can import the database and search through it and find your data. I have rivers 12th of feb in atm, so that would be helpful if that day is ok.

    Hi im Finney (FinneyD before now MoederNatuur) well I lost my stats maybe even a Month ago if you need a date.. just a Month ago I guess xD my Playtime would be 8 days -ish. Thanks ? btw I can’t get a Screenshot because I can’t find them in my PC’s file Thingy..

    Give me an exact date to check, I have the 12th Feb imported atm?

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    heey gods

    i know ure not gonna like this but i lost play time aswel

    and the last time i looked was when i was 1 year on the server and that was january 31

    at the time it was 34 or 43 days i believe and now at 2 5 2017 or i believe its 5 2 2017 for u

    it only says 20 days  so since the last count i did i lost atleast half

    and i play about 4 to 6 hours a day idk if that helps

    im realy sorry i didnt keep track of it and beeing so late

    and for my bad english

    im emielreijs in game


    emiel reijs

    again im realy sorry becouse i know its alot of work


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    I, like emiel, have had some of my playtime deleted. I can’t remember the exact date but perhaps the 15th of March? Sounds about right (I seem to remember my stats being reset after a restart) ?

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

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    Hello emielreijs

    Give me a date to go back to and then I can add on your time you have played since then 🙂

    I, like emiel, have had some of my playtime deleted. I can’t remember the exact date but perhaps the 15th of March? Sounds about right (I seem to remember my stats being reset after a restart) ?

    In game name? Also 15th of march for me to find when it was ok? and then add on what you played since then?

    I feel as though this always happens at a restart, we need to kick everyone before the server stops.

    Asher :3
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    @GodsDead I have lost a lot of my play time I saw that when I reached Boatswain that I needed 30 days on and ik ive been on on for 30 days due to like 2 years of summer and weekends I cannot put an image rn beacsue of the fact I don’t have my PC with me for like 2 or more weeks but I just wanted to let you know



    Ik its too soon for an edit but I wanted to point out that the last time I saw that was like the 2 of may OF 2017

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    @godsdead I have lost a lot of my play time I saw that when I reached Boatswain that I needed 30 days on and ik ive been on on for 30 days due to like 2 years of summer and weekends I cannot put an image rn beacsue of the fact I don’t have my PC with me for like 2 or more weeks but I just wanted to let you know [EDIT] Ik its too soon for an edit but I wanted to point out that the last time I saw that was like the 2 of may OF 2017

    To clarify, the last time you saw the stats being correct was on 2 may 2017? Your English is a bit hard to understand.

    Did it happen during a restart?

    Asher :3
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    Yes that is correct

    - Proud Leader Of The New Roman Republic (TNRR)

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    I have recently had all of my playtime reset, and according to my minecraft statistics for piratecraft I should have a approximately 4 and 4/5 ths days of play time (see screen shots for more info).

    This glitch took place on about Monday morning and as far as I am aware everyone online at that time (GMT+1 about 8 am) lost their play time stats, permanently so far.




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    Apologies for my confusing response:

    – On roughly the 15th of March, all my playtime was deleted, I think it was after a restart.

    – Since then I’ve played maybe 2.5 days.

    – It may just be easiest to find the nearest restart from 15th March and reset my playtime from there.

    Thanks in advance.

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

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