Brewery: some items arent accepted as inpits into the cauldron

Home Forums Server Support Bugs & Glitches Brewery: some items arent accepted as inpits into the cauldron


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  • #68676
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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>as title i cant put certain items into the cauldron even though they should be valid Grass and rose bushes as an example</p>

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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>as title i cant put certain items into the cauldron even though they should be valid Grass and rose bushes as an example</p>

    Did you try holding an item in your off hand and then placing the item(s) into the cauldron?

    Not iwanio
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    wow this post made me realise i haven’t brewed in aaages

    i gotta get back to it

    Election Commissioner of the British Empire

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