Base destroyed while off-line

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  • #75798
    Richard E
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    Hello, When I logged in just now, my base was destroyed. How did someone destroy it while i was offline. They took my chests, broke my non-seige-able blocks, broke iron doors, stole everything, and created massive holes in my large building. I have an idea who did it, but I don’t know because I was offline.Β  Is there anything I can do and do you think someone hacked something???


    username: RCE23ERAU

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    It looks like you either didn’t claim it or you trusted the wrong people. You cannot siege a person when they are either offline, not in the claim or the person is a cadet or lower I believe so it must have been an issue with the claiming

    Get a golden shovel, next time you’re online, and right click 2 corners and if you have enough claimblocks it will create that claim but you only get 1 claimblock per minute so you may have to wait some time to claim it all unless you donate on the website to get them. If it’s an issue with trust then do /trustlist and that will show you all the players that have trust in your claim

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    There are a few possibilities, usually with no trust, the only way to break blocks is /siege (which cannot be done on a claim while the owner or a trusted player in the claim is not online), and that’s only some blocks. Maybe you trusted someone who did it, or didn’t claim it at all? I doubt someone wouldn’t claim their base base though so it might be just trusting someone who did it or not properly claiming, check /trustlist in the claim when you can, and if possible next time people need access to your claim either trust them temporarily or use /accesstrust (levers, buttons, trapdoors, etc. only), also might want to extend the claim (/extendclaim). Other than anything with the claim and /trust though i can’t really guess about anything else.

    Richard E
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    I only have 3 people trusted to my claim, and two are my kids. πŸ˜‰ The third is a good friend that I know won’t do this.

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    Hi Richard, you can check what you have claimed by using a normal stick right click and it will show your claim.

    If you could give us:

    1. Your username in-game
    2. The coordinates of your base
    3. The timeframe this happened (If its within 10 days, I can restore it)
    Richard E
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    Hey GodsDead! Thank you very much!!

    1. There are three users (my kids and I)





    2. Coordinates

    -646, 32, -1287Β  toΒ  -748,-1355


    3. Timeframe

    When I logged in on EST Thursday, 8/20/2021 it was destroyed. The last time I remember it being ok was either 8/18 or 8/19.


    Again, Thank you so much!!

    – Rich

    Richard E
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    I rebuilt the base at this point since it is past 10 days.Β  It is too bad we lost our whole inventory πŸ™

    Thank you anyways.

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