Banned for trolling?

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    Current Username: LeTrollfaceGamer
    Username when banned: LeTrollfaceGamer
    UUID: fd104643-dbaa-40ec-b0f4-b3964158cf60
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Ae0n

    Unban Appeal


    I did some trolling with my friends but did not think it would be bannable. I also didn’t go that far. I have been banned once before but that was because i said something offensive. I’ve learned from that mistake and have not done anything like that again. I am able to learn from my mistakes and if you give me the chance to unban me i will not troll again and will be extra careful not to say anything that might slightly be seen as offensive or trollworthy even to my friends as it is appearantly bannable. As you can see i did also get  a warning but i didnt really notice it / think anything of it so i will listen to the mods better as well. I would like to continue my time on this server and will not mess around anymore since i do not want to stay banned. I am serious about this and not just saying this to get unbanned. Sorry it happened twice. I swear this will be the last time and i will not mess around again. i await your review.

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    You were banned by me, Coldat, for constantly bypassing the chat filter, ignoring staff after being warned, kicked, jailed, and muted.  It’s obvious that the only reason you and your friend, who was also banned, were playing to troll players and staff.  Try reading the rules and apply again in 3 months.



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    First of all, i was never just playing to troll staff. I was working on my base with my friends and i guess we got bored. Though i already stated i wont do it again. Second of all i dont see how i bypassed any chat filter. Please give me an example.

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