
Home Forums Crew Group Discussion Astaria

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  • #35630
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    This is the homepage for Astaria. This page is also for new recruits to learn the rules and such without having to use those awful in-game books. 😉 If you would like an alliance, contact me any way that you wish. I will need experienced people for Outpost Captains!


    To bring nobility and honesty back to PirateCraft through trade.

    Number of Members:



    -Elven Empire

    -The Order of Saint Ender


    -Iborian Empire


    -United States Empire


    1. Read the announcement board in your outpost every time you log in! It is crucial to stay updated.

    2. Be kind, courteous, and respectful to everyone, especially allies.

    3. Follow the orders of your Outpost Captain. If they are abusing their power, see me. They are there to keep you safe and provided for.

    4. Be prepared for an attack at any time. Only bring what you need outside.

    5. Attacking someone is allowed. Harassing someone is not. Do not overkill, and return their items.

    6. Never attack allies.

    7. Due to the confusion with alliance chat, do not use it unless seeking help from an alliance from something major, like an act or war. Individual attacks are not major.


    -For each outpost there will be an Outpost Captain – someone who is in charge when I cannot see to it. They will be tasked with not only protecting those under them, but ensuring production of items. (Requirements: a home set in the outpost; participation in activities in the outpost and protector of the outpost, not just a supervisor)

    -Announcements will be updated via the announcement board and online.

    -Dedication and loyalty will be rewarded.

    -We will be looking for trade partners once production starts.

    Outpost Specifics:

    Spring Village:

    Current Population: 6

    Outpost Captain: N/A

    -Food is behind the Announcements Board and down the ladder. You should have trust to open the door (will be changing soon)

    -Wilderness is out the South and East Gates

    - Solo player -

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    You have started quite a few crews, all with similar results. I wish you the greatest of luck that this one turns out better than the rest. However beware, I have seen that banning pvp and raiding deals a quite a bit of a blow when it comes to likelyness of having a longterm membersand puts a huge cost to the amount of crew members that stay active.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    Hey man hope you get too enjoy the seas with your new crew or roam the lands with your buds.  but remember that small crews that openly say “I’m Here!” usually dont last long.D: its kinda what Iron man did. But you dont have the Suit the money or the Brains (no offense it’s just tony stark man…his…his Tony Stark).


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    I wont mind allying with you.


    -Iborian Empire.

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    @Inventor John: Thanks. But don’t worry, I have plans.

    .solid: Thanks, hopefully we’ll last.

    : Alright! Offer accepted.

    - Solo player -

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    SPQR; NRR and VRE I am sure would be happy to ally with your crew, although, I may have to check with @Xxatu, @Wandsworth and @WilsonManzer.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Mystic, can’t wait to work with you!
    Wish you the best of luck!

    I don’t know who you tagged, but it wasn’t me!

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    The United States Empire would be happy to ally with you!

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    And I am happy to accept that alliance!

    - Solo player -

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