Arena Open!

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    Our first Arena is now open, Its a Free for all called ffa1, A minimum of 2 players are needed per round, the winner gets £20 game currency & 100xp, there are three classes at current; gladiator, archer and monk each with their benefits & weaknesses.

    The arena is located at -1545 235, which accessible via the railway from The Cove, and is shown by a Skull icon on the map.

    Join a match with /ffa j there is a 60 second Que time for people to join that match, with an additional 10 second timer pre-game for late comers to pick a class.

    Your inventory is saved, and you will get it back after the match ends.

    The arena is in early alpha, so do not rage! It needs to be tweaked.

    Future Development

    • Get a global alert for a Que opening up
    • Add a cool-down for Arena use, Alert when the arena is open
    • Schedule an arena tournament with leader-board
    • Create second team-based ship arena, with working cannons, re-generating loot chests
    • Setup /duel
    • Set names for in-game weapons so players know the deaths are arena related
    • Get the scoreboard working during the game
    • Dedicated information page on the website for arenas
    • Arenas need names and custom map icons related to the towns they are in
    • I want players to create their own arenas in their towns

    Any amendments or tweaks post them in here

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    I don’t know about anyone else but that ship arena sounds good to me! Anyone want to build one?

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    GodsDead there’s something wrong with the arena, first time I lost my stuff due to being laggy in the arena and got kicked when I died in the arena due to lag, I informed you and reaper and told me some stuff, but yesterday I joined the arena and had no lag played normally and then I now have stuff from the arena 😛 . I think it’s when you die and you don’t respawn yet and then the game ends, and then respawn and BOOM you have the stuff from the arena. That’s what happened to me at least so yeah you gotta check it out.

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    I want to build the ship arena, but it’s going to cost me too much time.
    That’s the only reason that keeps me from making it

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    Viper the lag problem is your end, stop streaming? It kicked you because of the PVP trigger if you leave during a PVP battle. (The arena does keep 5 inventory backups)

    I know that there is one broken spawn point in the arena, someone was complaining about not enough spawn points in the arena so I added some more and one of them is broken, I can’t tell which so I need to re-set the entire lot (Lame).
    If you can tell me the EXACT circumstances that cause this, I can report it to the developer.
    Without that, it would be impossible to fix.

    Yeah an arena build is a big build, that’s why people need to work together, Me and Coughing_Dog worked like mad to get this current arena playable.

    We need an arena building team that can all work together on the same date!

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    2nd time wasn’t because of lag, btw. I can help with the Ship Arena, got like a 2 week vacation after exams and tomorrow’s my last exam.

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    we should make an arena like this:

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    Hahaha, that is Naarden! XD A Dutch city 😛
    My city used to look quite similar, so I know the shapes. I probably could help if you wanted me to!

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    No way! this is awesome, Infact this should be a city somewhere on the map, or floating in the sea, really really big, and have an arena inside it!

    I’ve said before on the forum that I think we should have 4 majour cities on piratecraft, each with its own arena and each selling a specific type of wood!

    Crazy Pirate
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    Will these be admin cities, or player cities

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    Well, I am building a city, Crazy. It’s okay with me if it becomes Admin claim though 🙂

    I am building all buildings in the same architectural style as the houses in the fortress city of Naarden.

    The city where I live (Purmerend) looked like this in 1500:
    Map Purmerend

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    The following map is even older than the one shown above.
    Doesn’t have anything to do with arena’s, but I just felt like showing it xD
    It’s been a very valuable part of my family for centuries 😀

    Map Purmerend

    Crazy Pirate
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