Apply for the development team & development server whitelist

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  • #3605
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    I have a home-hosted development server that I test plugins on, it’s a dedicated box that can stay on, I have a few things that I need help testing, if you would like to help me test the future of piratecraft please reply below, so I can add you to the whitelist.

    Things that I need help with.

    • Adding new worlds
    • Testing a creative world with plots
    • Testing out a re-generatable arena type
    • Testing out inventory per world
    • Testing out plugins per world
    • Testing out a “gangs” grouping plugin
    • Testing out portcullis gates implmentation
    • Testing out running mini-games from a new world
    • Testing out running a hunger games world

    Developers will be allowed creative/god to speed up the testing process, to make sure new plugins do not break existing functionality.

    The dev server will not always be up, as its home-hosted, but once we have a stable dev server, it should stay up most of the time.

    Please add this to your server list if you are interested.

    Development teams will be invited to the Teamspeak development channel to speed up the testing process, The development team can also suggest ideas, plugins or modifications to piratecraft

    Once we have a multi-world/mini-games world, I will be looking for a creative building team to help create some amzing Pirate themed mini-games and arenas, so if you are interested as a creative builder, please also reply to this post as: Position: Creative Builder.


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    From this week i can be more Piratecraft active so add me in. It’ll be good to get into the juices of our server again.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Happy to help, feel free to add me too.

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    I would love to join.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    as you know im already down for this

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    I would really like to join (im good at testing cause I like to break things and cause people grief XD) but i dont have teamspeak 🙁 i hope i can still be one (but then again my pc i still broke but on the other hand its being fixed this week but on the other hand it might just be plain broken:I)though

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    I would wanna apply me for testing ;D


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    I wouldst also liketh to helpeth test things, good sa.

    I shall also be a creative builder.

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    Ima apply for Wkeresey and myself for creative builder (he asked me too forgot his password again :/) anyways thanks

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    ok im applying for myself and uni when I say this, gods you’ve seen what we can build and u know how good we are at finding exploits, glitches and basically anything that can cause havoc. we are both experienced with portcullis and uni is particularly good with ships. also uni is on almost all the time and im usually on once a day so you will probably never have to wait on us to help with things.

    I'm chaotic neutral, don't question me

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    Just to get started… I don’t think PirateCraft should have anything related to Hunger Games… it would just set us with the group of the many other servers that have Hunger Games… We need something more creative and pirate related.  The other thing is that there is a very nice “gate plugin” that allows you to create signs and hook up some redstone to open and close fence/ironbar portcullis’ess

    <red squiggly lines>

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    My computer is fixed so i can test better.

    Alex Lazescu
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    I’d love to join in, testing some stuff’s always been a good laugh.. I mean er a good… nvm. XD

    Anyway, I’d really like to be part of the whole “Creative Builder” thing though that sounds like a nice old title. I’m really excited for this! 😀

    P.S.-I’ve already stalked Gods on the dev server (lol)

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
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    I’ve not an appliance for the development server, but only an idea, concerning a creative world…

    (I thought it might fit in here, as you stated something in the top about creative world with plot)


    My grand idea!


    Make a forum section allowing people to apply for creative, here they’d have to prove themselves to get access to building on the creative world.

    So give them a rank of sorts if they post good enough screenies?


    Anyways, hope this idea will be considered, or maybe even taken into use.

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    I’d be happy to help with the testing. Not so good at building though (ask Athen, who’s destroyed my port).

    Hoping you’ll consider me, as I’ve helped with some testing on that server already.



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