(Annoying) Shop Issue with Enchanted Items

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    Dark Guard
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    My ingame name is Dark_101, and I currently own a shop: S69.

    I have been experiencing issues with enchanted items, only. Sometimes when I connect a chest to a sign, it works for some time, but then malfunctions saying that it is out of stock, even though there are items inside the chest.

    Personal Example: I have TWO god sword inside a chest, and when I left click the shop sign, it says I only have ONE inside. To make matters even worse, when I right click the sign, trying to buy, it says that the shop is out of stock.. in other words = ZERO.


    Hopefully someone can help me with this, thanks.

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    This problem isn’t new and has been going on for the last while. I would assume the server staff are trying to fix this.

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    maybe 2 years ago, maybe longer I submitted a bug for this type of thing with SignShop, the developer said to me it wasn’t an issue and refused to fix it. Hes extremely stubborn. Its also why we cant sell Custom heads, or Brews (beer) he does not save the data correctly. So itll happen at restart when it’ll go out of sync.

    maybe @Silence could look at the source and figure it out, The signshop dev does accept pull requests https://github.com/wargamer/SignShop

    Dark Guard
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    o Hopefully

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    I think it’s because the enchants weren’t added in the same order, although they are the same enchants. I’m pretty sure you will have to use separate signs, or make sure you enchant them in the same order.

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    In the meantime, if you want to find a way to sell your enchanted items, you can still use a redstone device shop.

    Incase you are unfamiliar with them, its a [device] sign linked to a lever which activates a dispensor. Its best to also add a comparator with a repeater on the dispensor leading to a redstone lamp which will allow people to tell if the shop is still in stock or not.


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