Animation Update

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  • #19676
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    Hey guys!

    So I decided to give an update about the animation. Unfortunately with school starting and all that I have had no time to work on it. It is really hard to find time to do anything lol. That being said, I will not forget about it. I will try to put work into it whenever I can but just expect it to be some time for a little bit. So yea, Ill do my best to keep you updated. I have made this really cool ocean for the animation btw.

    Have a great day!


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    I feel ya man! I haven’t even been able to log in thanks to school -3- but don’t let the animation get in the way. you will have time to make it just focus on what’s really important! (you’re future).


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Solid just made my day xD

    Thanks Solid. I will not forget about this animation I promise guys. In fact I have some free time right now so Ill go work on it 🙂

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    Just Finished rendering the first checkpoint! (And just rendering that took 2 days……xD)

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    Can you link to what you have done so far? I think I missed it

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    i cant wait to see me in it xD


    go the IRON ARMY

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