Angry Ice- Rank Problems

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  • #35736
    Ic3y ;]
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    Recently, about 4 days ago, I bought cap rank with irl money. At the time I still had my commander rank. I logged on today to find I’m a sailor!- it clearly says 2 months not 4 days -.-.


    Plz can you get me Back to Captain- as ive paid for it…

    IGN -IceBear89






    The Queen
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    So lol we have had people before who had donations that didn’t go through but being angry is a waste of heated brain cells hehe!

    They will fix it you just have to ask nice because when you say your angry and get a tiny tude staff is less likely to show instant support

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    Ic3y ;]
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    ok TY rep 😀



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    Did you upgrade before your existing rank ran out?

    If so then its as simple as your previous rank running out.

    Its all automated, I hope you don’t think I manage this manually? get me a reply and I should be able to sort it out.

    Ic3y ;]
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    Yh sorry I wanted cap, but I still head some commander time left 😛

    TY very much


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    @OLIW888 mystery solved then! I wish it didn’t work like that, but sadly thats how buycraft works 🙁

    I have moved you back to Captain IceBear89.

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