An apology and a statement

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    Hello all! This is a message about the Luteus Republic. And not at all a server issue or anything like that. Right, now i got that out of the way i would like to speak about me as a player, my citizens and my crew; who as you may of guessed. It the Luteus Republic.

    First off i wish to make an apology. I havnt been the best leader i could be and have made alot of rash decisions. Which have ended with others paying the price for me being stupid. I also wish to apologise to the people i have annoyed or upset with these actions. Now i would like to explain why i have acted with these ways. Ever since i joined the server. I have been constantly terrorised by people for no apparent reason. Then i was brought into the crew of TheUdderMilker. Who also terrorised people to such an extent. He was banned. This was where i realised that mabye i shouldnt be a raider. But insted try to start a town of my own. This was where it all went wrong. I was constantly terrorised by people and hid inside by castle with my townsmen until the raiders went away. This was stupid of me as it showed that we were easy to push around. This caused me to start dis liking the other players. I then raided others to try to prove we were not weak.

    Eventually with some help from my crew i realised that it was better to just protect my towns. This brings us to the recent weeks where my new port – port caraway – was constantly raided by the Ottomen. This was caused by me denying to help them attack Gen_Ben in a so called truce. I then wanted to discuss the idea of a normal truce with my fellow leaders. And i admit i did find it funny that the Ottomen – who had terrorised me for so long – had asked me for a truce. After asking for time to think. Nath returns with god armour and starts destroying anything he could. And killing my citizens. This infuriated me so i stole his ship and brought it back to my base to use to try and ask for a truce. Which i now realise. Wasn’t the best idea. But now me and the Ottomen are working on a truce.

    But let me get one thing straight. The Luteus Republic is not owned by the Ottomen! They have nothing to do with each other.

    Ok now a message to those who constantly raid me. I wont name names but i want to ask a simple question. Why? I mean i know its a pirate server. But why target me. Why does everyone seem either hate me or have a personal quest to bring down me and my republic. I apologise once again to those i have upset. But unless this changes i will stepping down as Senator Or disbanding the LR. But I’m asking to please let my republic grow. Thanks – Icanra.

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

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