An Apology and a light Interrogation

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    Hello to one and all!

    It’s me, again.

    This is not a complaint, or anything stupid, although some people might consider it.

    Since I was recently robbed of every single item that I own, I will be going on some raids, mainly focusing on people who aren’t that high up the ranks.

    I would also like to apologize to those who put their time and effort into replying to my idiot request a few days ago, and I will say that in fact, I was stressed, but I am not now and will continue to play.

    I am going to offer a peace treaty from me and Magma2moose to CSN, in hopes of finding some ways to be more friendly.


    My ‘light interrogation’ comes in with a few questions for RoMich.

    1. Give me an honest answer of why you hate us, and nothing to do with our choices of food.

    2. Why do you do this to us (other than because it’s funny)?

    Dearly, from the bottom of my heart, that you all for making PMC the best survival server ever.

    -Rum for you all,


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    I don’t know what RoMich’s problem with you right now is or whatever, or even if he has one.

    BUT from every single post I have seen in the past few weeks from different people- including yours, about raiding, it has always been “this and that has done this”, and what is has been is people complaining about themselves getting raided in this game. Instead of complaining, unless if it really does become harassment, to which you feel and can prove that there is proper resentment towards you, then no one is often going to give a damn.

    Another thing that comes under this is a lack of or insufficient proof. If it is happening every single time you play as it comes across, I recommend recording your gameplay and uploading it if something occurs, and to document every single instance and the times, what is said and what you say also.

    This may seem over the top, and a lot of people don’t have to get the amount of proof I have described, but any aggravating player in question is often well known for their actions, usually other people have reported them on the forums and produced sufficient evidence, and people will support you for it- in this case, NO ONE has, even Max, a person who knows the rules better than his own skin, has said nothing wrong has occurred- you must also note that staff monitor things like this all the time, and do track and take notes, and not once in one of these ‘complaints’, have they said anyone has done something wrong.

    I don’t know if I’m missing something (maybe due to my lack of ingame activity) but a lot of these ‘reports’ recently have just been a tonne of people complaining about petite, perfectly normal gameplay.


    The last thing I want to say, which has literally little to do with the complaints itself, is to do with the player vaults/bases/castles/forts/huts/towns/cities/church/van/basement/farm/ship/country being raided- Is that the actual infrastructure of the base is laughable, where these people complain of their stuff being stolen and their chests emptied is often due to either insufficient claim radius (that being people finding it way to easy to enter your base via chorus fruit, they can’t use it in your claim unless you give them access) or people using the incorrect blocks for defence, leaving doors open for slightly too long or not even covering their damn chests- again with appropriate blocks.

    The way you sort this is by getting wise and correcting your faults, no need to report someone if you don’t get raided.


    Sorry to rain on your apology, just wanted to get this out. Good luck with your ‘light’ interrogation- which I would have called something else as questioning sounds a lot nicer than interrogation. Actually nah, next time put light water-boarding. 😛

    *Accepts apology*

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    Thanks man. You’re the best.

    Even though I did say my complaint was a bit retarded. To be clear, though, it only happens when we are both online.



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    Thanks man. You’re the best. Even though I did say my complaint was a bit retarded. To be clear, though, it only happens when we are both online. Thanks, frogsandturtles

    You took that like a champ. xD nah your cool.

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    I don’t hate you, you are simply my ennemy.

    And you eat pineapple pizza


    Pineapple pizza in a crime

    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

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    Oh yeah…

    Thanks for not hating me. But why can’t we be friends?

    Fine, whatever.

    Pinapple pizza ‘in’ a crime

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    Pinapple pizza ‘in’ a crime

    your wrong there, but I ain’t gonna punish you for it, as your punishing yourself.

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    No I’m just trying to agree with RoMich so we can be more friendly, but to admit it, pinapple pizza is kinda weird and soggy sometimes

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    Just telling everyone, but my good ol’ HP is broken and in the shop, but they’re telling us we might need a new one (the battery wasn’t charging and the computer wasn’t even detecting it). So, as that happens to be, the only person that might be on will be magma, so treat him with care.

    P. S.- I will be getting a new, faster, gaming computer. Yay for me!


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