Afk Locker?

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  • #82170
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    GIBear, Locker Appeal

    I got lockered for “attempting to bypass afk”. I walked away from my computer and I opened up mc today and I’m in the locker.

    I believe this may have been because the afk kick goes to creative, where the creative afk kick then kicks to survival, which makes an endless cycle.

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    you have been doing this for a few days so i gues you didnt close mc!! and just left it on, even in the locker it went on and on, dig your self out

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    you have been doing this for a few days so i gues you didnt close mc!! and just left it on, even in the locker it went on and on, dig your self out

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    I’ll dig myself out, but should someone really get lockered for leaving their computer on and walking away and forgetting about it? Like wouldn’t a /kick be more appropriate. Or to fix the AFK kick to actually kick instead of kicking to creative?

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    afk kick dos need to be fixed that dosnt meen you can abuse it, just dig yourself out and log of if your going to go afk so it wont happen again

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