Added working portcullis gates to PirateCraft

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  • #3752
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    Everybody can now create simple working portcullis gates for their castles, towns, walls etc.

    There are no limits on size or quanittiy of gates you can have, I have created a detailed page under the information tab on the website:

    There is a new public /warp gates of working examples you can test out and see how they work, thanks to @Unic0rnjunk101 for helping me build this area, Im still in need of someone to build some fancy medieval walls around this area to make it more safe from mobs, apply in this thread if you are intereted.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Uses /warp Gates

    Find hole labelled “staff only”

    Jumps down, turns around:

    “Your not staff you dumbass!”

    Lol uni!

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    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    I did the same thing, but.. I am staff 🙁

    Curiosity does get the best of minecraft players though, Might have to start laying some traps >:)

    Crazy Pirate
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    On the subject of traps: Ii often fall in 2 deep holes when jumping round my base, so I made a few deep holes to the left of spawn, in that grassy rocky bit. Wonder if anyone has fallen yet!

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