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    “PMC re-opening” : What a Journey ! 

    Piratecraft Minecraft opened again its server after few weeks of intense work to update it to 1.18.

    The new version of PirateCraft pushed players to get into new activities !

    Some of them took their armor, a sword, a pickaxe and some food in order to discover and explore the unknown lands of 1.18. They find various places and loot ! The luckiest found water temples, broken nether portals or even tridents ! If u want to be the next lucky adventurer, take ur stuff and go explore !

    Of course, everyone was excited about Netherite ! So as you can imagine, they all tried to get some Netherite scraps but the truth is that a big amount of this players are dead in the hostile 1.18 Nether !

    Anyways, the economy of PirateCraft is still very unstable and shopkeepers are confused about the new prices… What will happen ? Here’s some of the biggest economy questions  : gold price, iron price, old god set price, Netherite god set price, god crossbow ?

    So many questions ! Stay tuned to know more about PirateCraft daily news !

    Bye ! 😁

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    *The former is a paid advertisement courtesy of PirateCraft.*

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    Economy crash ? Zoom on how economy evaluate after 1.18 update

    Economy started to stabilise on Piratecraft but what really changed ?

    U aren’t a business man or just don’t look after prices in shops ? Don’t worry, I’ll make a short article about what changed and why.

    Gold and Iron prices went and will go down : With 1.18 update, fortune is now applicable to copper, iron and gold ores. Therefore, with one stack of ore blocks u can get up to 2,5 stacks of ore. In economy when production raise up but demands rest the same : price goes down.

    God sets are a big dilemma : Some players thought diamond god sets prices will may go down but in fact it may rest the same or go up a bit because u can easily upgrade ur diamond god set to Netherite and keep the enchants ! 

    Netherite ingot : Of what I saw, Netherite ingot is sealed 500$ per piece and 100$ per scrap with isn’t that expensive in the end !

    Emeralds : Emeralds were sold at 0.5 $ per piece but now it’s price doubled and can reach 1-2$ per piece ! If you have some emeralds, some shops are buying them for a nice price ! 

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    Sponge : Prices of sponges has gone down a lot too. 150$ per -> 50$ per

    Sincerely Tulips

    - Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft

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    Sponge : Prices of sponges has gone down a lot too. 150$ per -> 50$ per

    Thank u for info ! I forget ab this one ^^’

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